







 * file name : SeqList.h
 * created : 2011/11/01
 * description :
 * author : Gavin Dai XLX
 * update :

#ifndef __SEQLIST_H
#define __SEQLIST_H

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int g_iDefaultSize = 100;

template <class Type>

class SeqList


 SeqList(int sz = g_iDefaultSize) : m_iMaxSize(sz), m_iCurrentSize(-1)
  if (sz > 0)
   m_elements = new Type[m_iMaxSize];

  delete[] m_elements;

 int length() const
  return m_iCurrentSize + 1;

 int find(Type x)const;

 int isElement(Type x)const;
 int insert(Type x, int i);

 int remove(Type x);

 int isEmpty()
  return m_iCurrentSize == -1;

 int isFull()
  return m_iCurrentSize == m_iMaxSize - 1;

 Type get(int i)
  return (i < 0 || i > m_iCurrentSize) ? (cout<<"can't find the element"<<endl,0) : m_elements[i];

 void print();


 Type *m_elements;

 const int m_iMaxSize;

 int m_iCurrentSize;



//下面是顺序表的实现文件 SeqList.cpp

 * file name : SeqList.cpp
 * created : 2011/11/01
 * description :
 * author : Gavin Dai XLX
 * update :


#include "SeqList.h"

template <class Type>
int SeqList<Type>::find(Type x)const
 for (int i = 0; i<=m_iCurrentSize; i++)
  if (m_elements[i] == x)
   return i;
 cout<<"can't find the element you want to find"<<endl;
 return -1;

template <class Type>
int SeqList<Type>::isElement(Type x)const
 if (find(x) == -1)
  return 0;
 return 1;

template <class Type>
int SeqList<Type>::insert(Type x, int i)
 if (i < 0 || i > (m_iCurrentSize +1) || m_iCurrentSize == m_iMaxSize - 1 )
  cout<<"the operate is illegal"<<endl;
  return 0;
 for (int j = m_iCurrentSize; j > i; j--)
  m_elements[j] = m_elements[j-1];
 m_elements[i] = x;
 return 1;

template<class Type>
int SeqList<Type>::remove(Type x)
 int size = m_iCurrentSize;
 for (int i=0; i<=m_iCurrentSize;i++)
  if (m_elements[i]==x)
   for (int j=i;j<=m_iCurrentSize;j++)
    m_elements[j] = m_elements[j+1];
 if (size==m_iCurrentSize)
  cout<<"can't find the element you want to remove"<<endl;
  return 0;
 return 1;

template <class Type>
void SeqList<Type>::print()
 for (int i = 0; i <= m_iCurrentSize; i++)

//测试 主文件 main.cpp

 * file name : main.cpp

 * created : 2011/11/01
 * description :
 * author : Gavin Dai XLX
 * update :


#include "SeqList.cpp"   //注意用了模板,所以这里要包含CPP而不是.h哦 >)(<

int main()
 SeqList<int> test(16);
 int array[15] = { 2, 5, 6, 1, 9, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 9, 7, 7, 9, 12};
 for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
  test.insert(array[i], 0);
 test.insert(100, 0);
 return 1;

posted on 2011-11-01 18:38  Gavin Dai  阅读(1213)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报