PRML 3: Linear Discriminants
As an alternative for generative models and discriminative models, a discriminant directly assigns a feature vector to one of K classes. One of the simplest discriminant function for 2-class problems should be something like $y(\vec{x})=sign(\vec{w}^T\cdot\vec{x}+b)$, where $\vec{w}$ is the pending parameter vector and b is a pending bias. Here $\vec{x}$ is different from the one we talk about in regression models since it no more comprises a bias term.
To obtain proper parameters, we can draw on a simple algorithm called Perceptron, which gurantees all the training data shall be correctly classified. This is done by minimizing an error function, each of whose terms should be something like $-(\vec{w}^T\cdot\vec{x}_n+b)\cdot t_n$, in an iterative way, and this procedure will never terminate if the problem is not linearly separable.
1 function w = percept(X,t)
2 % Peceptron Algorithm for Linear Classification
3 % Precondtion: X is a set of data columns,
4 % row vector t is the labels of X (+1 or -1)
5 % Postcondition: w is the linear model parameter
6 % such that y = sign(w'* x)
7 [m,n] = size(X);
8 w = zeros(m,1);
9 cnt = 0; % consecutive hit number
10 cur = 1; % current data item
11 while (cnt<n)
12 % until no misclassification exists
13 if (t(cur)*w'*X(:,cur)<=0)
14 % error correction, step = 0.2
15 w = w + 0.2*t(cur)*X(:,cur);
16 cnt = 0;
17 else
18 cnt = cnt+1;
19 end
20 cur = mod(cur,n)+1;
21 end
22 end
Fisher's Linear Discriminant is another linear classifier, which makes every endeavor to maximize the class separation by choosing a deisirable direction on which the projections of two mean vectors have the largest distance. This target is attained by finding a maximum point for the Fisher criterion: $J(\vec{w})=\frac{(m_2-m_1)^2}{S_1^2+S_2^2}$, where $m_1$, $m_2$ and $S_1$, $S_2$ are the means and variances of the projected data respectively.
1 function w = fisher(X,t) 2 % Fisher's Linear Discriminant for 2-class problems 3 % Precondtion: X is a set of data columns, 4 % row vector t is the labels of X (+1 or -1) 5 % Postcondition: w is the linear model parameter 6 % such that y = sign(w'* x) 7 d = size(X,1)-1; 8 % calculate the mean vectors of the 2 classes: 9 m1 = zeros(d,1); 10 m2 = zeros(d,1); 11 n1 = 0; n2 = 0; 12 for i = 1:size(t,2) 13 if (t(1,i)>0) 14 n1 = n1+1; 15 m1 = m1+X(1:d,i); 16 else 17 n2 = n2+1; 18 m2 = m2+X(1:d,i); 19 end 20 end 21 m1 = m1/n1; 22 m2 = m2/n2; 23 % calculate the within-class covariance matrix: 24 Sw = zeros(d); 25 for i = 1:size(t,2) 26 if (t(1,i)>0) 27 Sw = Sw+(X(1:d,i)-m1)*(X(1:d,i)-m1)'; 28 else 29 Sw = Sw+(X(1:d,i)-m2)*(X(1:d,i)-m2)'; 30 end 31 end 32 w = Sw\(m1-m2); 33 % choose a proper threshold: 34 w0Min = inf; 35 w0Max = -inf; 36 for i = 1:size(t,2) 37 y = w'*X(1:d,i); 38 if (t(1,i)>0 & y+w0Max<0) 39 w0Max = -y; 40 elseif (t(1,i)<0 & y+w0Min>0) 41 w0Min = -y; 42 end 43 end 44 w = [w;(w0Min+w0Max)/2]; 45 end
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is another linear discriminant classifier, whose objective is to maximize the geometric margin of the training set, i.e. $\gamma = \mathop{min}_n \frac{\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_n+b}{||\vec{w}||}$. This is equivalent to the optimization problem of minimizing $\frac{1}{2} ||\vec{w}||^2$ given the restrictions $y_n(\vec{w}^T\cdot\vec{x}_n+b)\geq 1$ for $n=1,2,...,N$:
1 function w = supvect(X,t)
2 % Support Vector Machine for Linear Classification
3 % Precondtion: X is a set of data columns,
4 % row vector t is the labels of X (+1 or -1)
5 % Postcondition: w is the linear model parameter
6 % such that y = sign(w'* x)
7 [m,n] = size(X);
8 x0 = zeros(m,1);
9 A = zeros(n,m);
10 for i = 1:n
11 A(i,:) = -t(i)*X(:,i)';
12 end
13 b = -ones(n,1);
14 w = fmincon('norm',x0,A,b);
15 end
This is also equivalent to finding $min\mathop{max}_{\vec{w},b} \frac{1}{2}||\vec{w}||+\sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_n[1-y_n(\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_n+b)]$, where $\alpha_n\geq 0$ for $n=1,2,...,N$ are Lagrangian multipliers. Since the problem satisfies Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) Conditions, we can solve its dual problem instead, which seems relatively easier. Also, we can refomulate it with safe margins so as to fit for non-linearly separable datasets:
$min\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{j=1}^N\alpha_i\alpha_j y_i y_j(\vec{x}_i^T\vec{x}_j)-\sum_{i=1}^N\alpha_i$
$s.t.\sum_{n=1}^N\alpha_n y_n=0$ and $0\leq\alpha_n\leq C$ for $n=1,2,...,N$
This problem can be solved by using SMO algorithm, where we iteratively use some heuristics to select two $\alpha$s and re-optimize the problem with respect to them. As we shall see, the optimal $\vec{w}$ should be a linear combination of the support vectors, and thus we can make a prediction for new data with only the support vectors: $y=sign(\sum_{n\in SV}\alpha_n y_n(\vec{x}_n^T\vec{x}_{N+1})+b)$.
1. Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning [M]. Singapore: Springer, 2006