
Given an adjacency-list representation of a multigraph G = (V, E), describe an O(V + E)-time algorithm to compute the adjacency-list representation of the "equivalent" undirected graph G' = (V, E'), where E' consists of the edges in E with all the multiple edges between two vertices replaced by a single edge with all the self-loops removed.(22.1-4//CLRS - Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition

solution 1:(http://beyondabstraction.net/school/cs441/hw8.pdf)

-Make an empty adjacency-list.
-If a vertex Vi appears in Vj's list copy Vj to the new
adjacency-list for Vi.
-Repeat previous step for all vertices.
-This will "flatten" the list into an undirected
adjacency-list. These lists will have duplicates (due
to multiple edges and loops in multigraphs).
-Create another empty adjacency-list. Create an empty
-For each list check for duplicate entries by marking a
vertex's existence in the vector. Copy the vector into
the new adjacency-list for that vertex. Repeat for all
vertices. So for each Vi in the adjacency list mark
all it's attached vertices in the vector, copy the
vector to the new adjacency-list, and repeat after
clearing the vector.

for i in V:
    for j in Adj[i]:
for i in V:#i升序
    for j in Adj[i]:
        if j>i:
            if AdjNew[j].last() != i:#last取最后一个元素或空
for i in V:
    for j in Adj[i]:
        if j<i:
            if AdjNew[j].last() != i:


Solution 2:(http://student.csuci.edu/~douglas.holmes253/Assignment5.html)

Iterate through every vertex in G. For every vertex vi, if there exists an adjacent vertex vj that is greater, then add vi to the adjacency list of j in G'. From here, we do the same for G', but in reverse, putting vi in vj's list if vi is greater. This gives us the requested graph, and with each step taking O(V+E) since we only iterated through the lists in both cases, the overall time is also O(V+E).


Solution 3:(http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-26137687-id-2200855.html)

typedef struct node

int data;
struct node *pre;
struct node *next;
void Transpose(VNode Adj[], VNode newAdj[], int V)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < V; i++)
VNode *p = Adj[i].next;
VNode *tmp;
while(p != NULL)
/* 消去环和多重边 */
while(p->data == Adj[i].data || p->pre->data == p->data)
tmp = p->pre->next = p->next;
p = tmp;
p = p->next;


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