都说开发stm32都是使用kail iar+jatg/swd的方式,然而arm公司已经开发出了CMSIS DAP的开源下载工具,全称是CoreSight Debug Access Port,网络上有大神x893移植到stm32F103C8T6的开发板,可以做成比较小的烧录器,可以调试、下载,基于M3系列及其以上都可以做成dap下载工具,但是M0就不行。
CMSIS-DAP is the interface firmware for a Debug Unit that connects the Debug Port to USB. Debuggers, which execute on a host computer, connect via USB to the Debug Unit and to the Device that runs the application software. The Debug Unit connects via JTAG or SW to the target Device. ARM Cortex processors provide the CoreSight Debug and Trace Unit. CMSIS-DAP supports target devices that contain one or more Cortex processors.

posted @ 2019-03-08 10:30  wdliming  阅读(4904)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报