

qt config

qt configure 配置不完全汉化  

Usage:  configure [options]

The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. A plus (+) denotes a default value that needs to be evaluated. If the evaluation succeeds, the feature is included. Here is a short explanation of each option: *代表默认值,+号代表要修改的值

    -help ..................  Print help and usage information.//打印帮助和使用信息。

    -verbose ...............  Print out extra information while configuring.打印出额外的信息,同时配置。

    -silent ................  Hide compiler commandlines. 隐藏编译命令行

  * -no-silent .............  Show compiler commandlines.显示编译命令行


  * -release ...............  Create a release build.创建一个编译

-debug .................  Create a debug build.创建一个调试目录


    -separate-debug-info ...  Separate debug info into a .debug file. 单独的调试信息到。侦错文件。


  * -no-separate-debug-info   Do not separate debug info into a .debug file. 不要单独调试信息到。侦错文件。


  * -clean .................  Clean the build tree.   清除build目录

-no-clean ..............  Do not clean the build tree.不清除build目录


    -profile ...............  Create a build with profiling.创建一个编译相貌

  * -no-profile ............  Create a build without profiling.不创建一个相貌

-reduce-exports arg ....  Reduce symbol exports in Qt/Qtopia Core/Qtopia (requires GCC 4).


                              Available: auto, yes, no

                              Default: auto

    -little-endian .........  Force target build to use little endian (LSB first).使用小端cpu

    -big-endian ............  Force target build to use big endian (MSB first). 使用大端cpu

    -I dir .................  Add an explicit include path.添加外部的include目录

    -L dir .................  Add Add an explicit library path.   使用外部明确的库路径

-l lib .................  Add Add an explicit library.使用明确库

-R dir .................  Add an explicit dynamic library runtime search path.


-D def .................  Add an explicit define to the build. Use -D FOO=bar to give it a value.

                  添加一个明确的定义,使用-D FOO=bar  赋值

        The -I, -L, -l, -R and -D flags apply when building Qtopia and Qtopia Core. If you need to pass these flags to Qt you should use

        -extra-qt-config 'flags'. 以上标志是编译qt的核心, + -rpath .................  Set an automatic RPATH (so LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not required to run Qtopia). Note that this requires

                              QMAKE_RPATH to be set in your selected mkspec.


    -no-rpath ..............  Do not set an automatic RPATH. 没有设置自动的RPATH

  * -posix-locks ...........  Use POSIX file locking. 使用POSIX文件锁

-flock-locks ...........  Use flock() for file locking.使用群文件锁


  + -strict-warnings .......  Use strict compiler warning flags.

    -no-strict-warnings ....  Do not use strict compiler warning flags.

    -error .................  Treat warnings as errors when compiling Qtopia (except for code in src/3rdparty).

  * -no-error ..............  Do not treat warnings as errors.

    -device device .........  Build using a device profile. Available: c3200, example, ficgta01, gcc411,

                              greenphone, i686fb, min_voip, n800, nokia770, omap730, zaurusclamshell, zylonite_eabi

        Using -device may cause many defaults to change.


-edition edn ...........  Build Qtopia <edn> Edition. Available: platform, phone建立基于Qtopia <edn>版。可用:平台,电话       Default: phone


-qtopiasyncagent .......  Build Qtopia Sync Agent.


    -platform host .........  The host platform that you are compiling on. If not specified, configure will attempt to    主机平台,您正在编制的。如果没有指定,配置将尝试

                              autodetect the host.  自动设置



    -xplatform target ......  The target platform that you are compiling for. If not specified, configure will attempt to 目标平台

                              autodetect the target based on the host.

+ -arch architecture .....  The CPU family you are building for. Available: alpha, arm, boundschecker, generic,  

                              i386, ia64, macosx, mips, parisc, powerpc, s390, sparc, windows, x86_64      体系结构

目标平台,您正在编制的。如果没有指定,配置会尝试自动检测的基础上的目标主机。 +连拱结构..... CPU的家庭你建设。可用: α ,手臂boundschecker ,通用, i386 ia64 macosx MIPS的, parisc PowerPC的, s390 Sparc的,窗户, x86_64

-xplatform linux-arm-g++ -arch arm 目标平台为arm-linux,体系结构为arm



    -defaultbuttons arg ....  Use <arg> (if you pass a complete path) or $QTOPIA_DEPOT_PATH/etc/defaultbuttons-<arg>.conf 使用arg  (如果通过一个完整的路径)或者  $QTOPIA_DEPOT_PATH/etc/defaultbuttons-<arg>.conf

                              (if you do not pass a complete path).

    -sdk dir ...............  Set the SDK location to <dir>. Note that you cannot run 'make sdk' with -sdk


                              Default: /mnt/disk2/qt/install

    -image dir .............  Set the Qtopia install location to <dir>. Default: /mnt/disk2/qt/install/image               设置Qtopia的安装位置,以<dir> 。默认值:不指定有默认位置image

-prefix dir ............  Set the runtime location of Qtopia to <dir>. Default: /mnt/disk2/qt/install/image           设置运行位置的Qtopia<dir>

-dimage dir ............  Set the Qtopia Sync Agent install location to <dir>.

                              Default: /mnt/disk2/qt/install/dimage

-dprefix dir ...........  Set the runtime location of Qtopia Sync Agent to <dir>.


  * -qvfb ..................  Enable QVfb support.

-no-qvfb ...............  Disable QVfb support. 目标平台已支持framebuffer,因而不使用虚拟帧缓冲。


    -launch-method method ..  Launch applications using the selected method. Please see the documentation for a description of

                              each launch method.

                              Available: normal, quicklaunch

                              Default: quicklaunch + -setproc-method method .  Select the method used by quicklauncher to change the process title.

                              Available: prctl, argv0, none

                              Default: argv0

        The prctl method uses the prctl() system call. This is available to Linux 2.6.9 and later.

        The argv0 method overwrites argv[0]. This is the traditional approach used by Qtopia. It makes assumptions about the layout in memory or argv and char **environ.

        The none method is provided for systems that cannot use prctl() and break on the argv0 method.

    -force-quicklaunch .....  Force apps using QTOPIA_MAIN to be quicklaunched. This results in larger binaries but faster


  * -no-force-quicklaunch ..  Do not force apps using QTOPIA_MAIN to be quicklaunched.

    -singleexec ............  Qtopia is compiled into a single binary that contains all the libraries, plug-ins and

                              applications. This implies -no-sxe.

  * -shared ................  Qtopia is compiled as a collection of libraries, plug-ins and applications.

    -languages lang,lang ...  Resources (translations, dictionary files, icons) are updated/installed for the specified languages.

                              Available: en_US

                              Default: en_US

    -iconsize size .........  Non-scalable icons are installed at the requested size. Can be a single number (for square icons) or

                              WxH. Images will be scaled from one of the available sizes.

                              Available: 14, 16, 22

                              Default: 22

    -svg-format ext ........  Specify the format to convert SVG files to at install time. Converting to the pic (QPicture)

                              format allows for faster image loading. Available: svg, pic

                              Default: pic

    -image-extension-order    An image may exist with multiple extensions but ext,ext                  only 1 of these will be installed. This list determines the priority of extensions. An image

                              with multiple extensions, none of which appear in this list will have the first (as determined by

                              perl's glob("$file.*");) extension chosen. Available: png, gif, xpm

                              Default: png,gif,xpm

        You cannot force extensions other than .svg to have the highest priority with -image-extension-order.

    -displaysize WxH[-WxH] .  Resources (images) suitable for the requested size are installed. Size can be a single width and资源(图像) ,适合要求的大小安装。大小可以是单一的宽度和(分辨率大小)

                              height or a minimum and maximum width and height. Default: 160-240

  * -auto-i18n-fonts .......  Allow automatic installation of i18n fonts based on the configured language.

    -no-auto-i18n-fonts ....  Do not automatically install i18n fonts.

    -font fontspec .........  Install font <fontspec> (defined as "family:sizes:styles" OR a truetype font file (eg.

                              qtopiadejavu.ttf). Pass -font multiple times to install multiple fonts.

                              Default: "dejavu_sans_condensed:*:*"

        family is the name of the font.

        sizes is a list or range. For example, '80,100,120', '80-120', '*'. Note that .qpf2 files are named with pixel height so 8-12 is more


        styles is a list of weights. For example: '50,50i,80', '*'.

        Unless you have changed the Qtopia Core configuration, fonts must be truetype, .qpf or .qpf2 files.format and are searched for in

        /mnt/disk2/qt/install/qtopiacore/qt/dist/embedded/lib/fonts and /mnt/disk2/qt/install/dist/fonts. One .qpf/.qpf2 file is installed for each combination of family, size, style and rotation. Note that fonts may not be available in all styles and sizes.

    -make makecmd ..........  Use <makecmd> when building. Default: make

    -build dir .............  Add directory <dir> to the Qtopia build system. For example, -build /path/to/myapp will add

                              /path/to/myapp to the build system.

  + -ssl ...................  Enable the use of OpenSSL. This lets qtmail connect over SSL and use SMTP authentication. It

                              also allows communication with Google services.

-no-ssl ................  Disable the use of OpenSSL. 禁用使用OpenSSL


    -ssl-ciphers              Use additional ciphers when building OpenSSL. cipher,cipher            WARNING: These ciphers are patented and should only be enabled if a suitable licensing agreement

                              is in place.

                              Available: dsa, idea, mdc2, rc5

  * -sxe ...................  Enable the Safe Execution Environment so that native third party applications can run safely.

    -no-sxe ................  Disable the Safe Execution Environment.

    -sxe-discovery .........  Turn on support for SXE discovery mode so that new policy rules can be tested. To utilise SXE

                              discovery mode you must set the SXE_DISCOVERY_MODE environment variable to 1. WARNING: This option

                              creates a security hole and should only be used when creating new policy rules.

  * -no-sxe-discovery ......  Turn off support for SXE discovery mode.

    -sxe-soft-kill .........  Turn on support for SXE soft kill so that processes can be sent a signal other than 9 when

                              being killed. To utilise SXE soft kill you must set the SXE_SOFT_KILL environment variable to the

                              number of the signal to send. To see the available signals run kill -l. WARNING: This option creates

                              a security hole and should only be used when debugging SXE violations.

  * -no-sxe-soft-kill ......  Turn off support for SXE soft kill.


  + -bluetooth .............  Enable Bluetooth.  使用蓝牙

-no-bluetooth ..........  Disable Bluetooth.  禁用蓝牙


  * -infrared ..............  Enable Infrared.  使用红外

-no-infrared ...........  Disable Infrared.不使用红外


  + -dbus ..................  Enable DBUS support.使用dbus

-no-dbus ...............  Disable DBUS support. 禁用dbus


  + -drm ...................  Enable support for DRM (Using the Beep Science DRM Agent v2.4). 能够支持数字版权管理(使用响铃科学的DRM代理v2.4

-no-drm ................  Disable support for DRM.不使用数字版权管理


  + -sound-system ss .......  Select the sound system to use. You might need to force OSS if your toolchain has ALSA but your

                              kernel does not.

                              Available: alsa, oss

                              Default: alsa

  + -v4l2 ..................  Enable support for V4L2 (Video for Linux version 2).

    -no-v4l2 ...............  Disable support for V4L2. Video for Linux version 1 will be used instead. You might need to force

                              this if your toolchain has V4L2 but your kernel does not.

  * -telephony .............  Enable Telephony components (UI, Modem, VoIP).

-no-telephony ..........  Disable Telephony components.


  * -modem .................  Enable Modem communication (requires Telephony).


-no-modem ..............  Disable Modem communication. 禁用调制解调器通信


    -phonevendors             Build and install phonevendor plugins (reqires plugin,plugin            Modem). Available: ericsson, wavecom

    -multiplexers             Build and install multiplexer plugins (reqires plugin,plugin            Modem). Available: wavecom

    -voip ..................  Enable VoIP (Voice over IP) communication. Note that the reference SIP agent will not build in

                              singleexec mode. (requires Telephony)

  * -no-voip ...............  Disable VoIP communication.

        Modem and VoIP communication are not exclusive or mandatory. You can enable one, both or none. You must enable telephony to enable Modem or VoIP.

    -vpn ...................  Enable VPN (Virtual Private Network) support.

  * -no-vpn ................  Disable VPN.

  + -qtopiamedia ...........  Enable the Qtopia Media API.

    -no-qtopiamedia ........  Disable the Qtopia Media API.

  + -mediaengines             Select the audio/video engines to use with the engine,engine            Qtopia Media API.The order of the engines is significant

                              Available: cruxus, gstreamer

                              Default: cruxus

  * -libamr ................  Enable libamr.

    -no-libamr .............  Disable libamr.

    -test ..................  Enable the test framework which provides automated GUI testing functionality. WARNING: This option

                              creates a security hole and should only be used when automated testing is going to be used.

  * -no-test ...............  Disable the test framework.

  * -enable-samples ........  Enable server widget samples.

    -no-samples ............  Disable server widget samples.

    -build-examples ........  Build the example code.

  * -no-examples ...........  Do not build the example code.

  * -gif ...................  Enable GIF support.

    -no-gif ................  Disable GIF support.

    -glib ..................  Enable Glib support in Qtopia Core (uses glib-2.0 from pkg-config).

  * -no-glib ...............  Disable Glib support in Qtopia Core.

  * -qtopia-sqlite .........  Use sqlite3 from Qtopia.

-system-sqlite .........  Use sqlite3 from the system.


    -extra-qtopiacore-config  Add something to the Qtopia Core configure "-option arg"            commandline.   添加对Qtopia Core的配置,使用“-选项”命令行

-extra-qt-config "-option Add something to the Qt configure commandline. arg"



-qt-sql-sqlite 数据库支持Sqlite

-qt-kbd-usb 键盘支持usb协议。

-no-mouse-linuxtp -qt-mouse-tslib -I/mnt/nfs/tslib1.3-install/include -L/mnt/nfs/tslib1.3-install/lib





-image /mnt/disk2/busybox/mini/

-prefix /mnt/disk2/busybox/mini/

-xplatform linux-arm-g++ -arch arm


-displaysize 1024x768









-extra-qtopiacore-config "


-xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++

-embedded arm

-qconfig qpe

-depths 8,16,32


-extra-qt-config "


-qt-gif -






-qt-mouse-tslib   支持鼠标 tslib协议

-I/opt/tslib1.4-install/include   所支持的库

-qt-mouse-linuxtp   支持鼠标linuxtp协议

-L/opt/tslib1.4-install/lib  所支持的库

-edition phone    默认似乎就是phone


-defaultbuttons phone

-qt-kbd-usb 键盘支持usb

-no-kbd-tty   不懂什么设备

-no-mouse-linuxtp  不使用鼠标linuxtpv

posted on 2011-08-17 10:41  compilerTech  阅读(1296)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报