比较感兴趣的是后面的参数 kcFBundleVersionKey ,竟然是CFBundle.h已经定于好的属性,下面有这个属性的注释


const CFStringRef kCFBundleVersionKey;

    /* The version number of the bundle.  For Mac OS 9 style version numbers (for example "2.5.3d5"), */

    /* clients can use CFBundleGetVersionNumber() instead of accessing this key directly since that */

    /* function will properly convert the version string into its compact integer representation. */

还有好多是kcFXXX开头的Standard Info.plist keys 属性,有兴趣可以自己看一下CFBundle.h,研究一下它们的用法,

posted on 2016-02-02 15:45  丑蛋蛋  阅读(258)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报