

 1 #!/usr/bin/ python
 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
 3 #操作同路径下的所有.cs .lua文件,并生成自动生成该cs文件的代码
 4 import os
 5 global classCount,lastClassName
 7 def MachiningSourceCode(x):
 8     global classCount,lastClassName
 9     if x.find('class') >= 0: 
10     #类名由tool方法参数决定    
11         classCount = classCount + 1
12         xarr = x.split()
13         nindex = -1
14         for a in range(len(xarr)):
15             if xarr[a] == 'class':
16                 nindex = a
17                 break
18         lastClassName =  xarr[nindex + 1]
19         xarr[nindex + 1] = '{0}'
20         x = ' '.join(xarr)
21         x = '        stringBuilder.AppendFormat(\"'+x.strip('\n').replace('\"','\\"')+'\\n\",className%d);\n' % classCount
22     elif x.find(lastClassName) >= 0:
23     #处理构造函数类名也由tool方法参数决定
24         x = x.replace(lastClassName,'{0}')
25         x = '        stringBuilder.AppendFormat(\"'+x.strip('\n').replace('\"','\\"')+'\\n\",className%d);\n' % classCount
26     else:        
27         x = '        stringBuilder.AppendLine(\"'+x.strip('\n').replace('\"','\\"')+'\");\n'
28     return x
30 #生成自动生成工具代码
31 def GenerateAutoCreatingToolCode(f,newfileName):
32     lines = f.readlines()
33     global classCount
34     classCount = 0
35     newlines = map(MachiningSourceCode,lines)
36     toolFuncParam = ''
37     if classCount > 0:
38         for x in range(classCount):
39             toolFuncParam = toolFuncParam + ',string className%d' % (x + 1)        
40     namespaceReference = 'using UnityEngine;\nusing System.Text;\nusing System.IO;\n\n'
41     classAndFunc = 'public static class %s\n {\n    public static void CreateClass(string stSaveFilePath %s,string stNameSpace = "")\n    {\n    \
42     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stSaveFilePath))\n        {\n            return;\n        }\n    \
43     StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();\n' % (newfileName,toolFuncParam)
44     nameSpace = '        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stNameSpace))\n        {\n            stringBuilder.AppendFormat\
45 (string.Format(\"namespace {0}\\n\", stNameSpace));\n            stringBuilder.AppendLine(\"{\");\n        }\n'
46     saveFile = '        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stNameSpace))\n        {\n            stringBuilder.AppendLine(\"}\");\n        }\n    \
47     File.WriteAllText(stSaveFilePath, stringBuilder.ToString());\n    }\n}'
48     newlines.insert(0,namespaceReference)
49     newlines.insert(1,classAndFunc)
50     newlines.insert(2,nameSpace)
51     newlines.insert(len(newlines),saveFile)
52     return newlines
54 if __name__ == '__main__':   
55     try:
56         global lastClassName
57         lastClassName = 'lastClassName'
59         #创建生成代码文件夹
60         currentPath = os.path.abspath('.')        
61         createFilePath = os.path.join(currentPath,'createFile')
62         if not os.path.exists(createFilePath):
63             os.mkdir(createFilePath)
65         for x in os.listdir("."):
66             if os.path.isfile(x) and (os.path.splitext(x)[1] == '.cs' or os.path.splitext(x)[1] == '.lua'):
67                 readFilePath = os.path.join(currentPath,x)
68                 newfileName = 'Create%sAuto' % os.path.splitext(x)[0]
69                 newfile = newfileName + os.path.splitext(x)[1]
70                 writeFilePath = os.path.join(createFilePath,newfile)
71                 with open(readFilePath,'r') as f:                                
72                     newlines = GenerateAutoCreatingToolCode(f,newfileName)
74                 #生成代码文件                    
75                 if os.path.exists(writeFilePath):
76                     os.remove(writeFilePath)
77                     print('delete old file:%s' % writeFilePath)
78                 with open(writeFilePath,'w') as fw:
79                     fw.writelines(newlines)
80     except Exception as e:
81         print(e)
82         n = input()
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