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01-modal Demo示例程序源代码

  1. 源代码下载链接:01-modal.zip
    37.8 KB
  2. // MJAppDelegate.h

  3. //
  4. //  MJAppDelegate.h
  5. //  01-modal
  6. //
  7. //  Created by apple on 13-12-11.
  8. //  Copyright (c) 2013itcast. All rights reserved.
  9. //

  10. #import<UIKit/UIKit.h>

  11. @interfaceMJAppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate>

  12. @property(strong,nonatomic) UIWindow *window;

  13. @end
  14. // MJAppDelegate.m

  15. //
  16. //  MJAppDelegate.m
  17. //  01-modal
  18. //
  19. //  Created by apple on 13-12-11.
  20. //  Copyright (c) 2013itcast. All rights reserved.
  21. //

  22. #import"MJAppDelegate.h"
  23. #import"MJOneViewController.h"

  24. @implementationMJAppDelegate

  25. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
  26. {
  27.    self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
  29.    self.window.rootViewController = [[MJOneViewController alloc] init];
  31.     [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
  32.    returnYES;
  33. }

  34. - (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application
  35. {
  36.    // Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state.
  37.    // Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and throttle down OpenGL ES frame rates. Games should use this method to pause the game.
  38. }

  39. - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
  40. {
  41.    // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later.
  42.    // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.
  43. }

  44. - (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application
  45. {
  46.    // Called as part of the transition from the background to the inactive state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background.
  47. }

  48. - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
  49. {
  50.    // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.
  51. }

  52. - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
  53. {
  54.    // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:.
  55. }

  56. @end
  57. // MJOneViewController.h

  58. //
  59. //  MJOneViewController.h
  60. //  01-modal
  61. //
  62. //  Created by apple on 13-12-11.
  63. //  Copyright (c) 2013itcast. All rights reserved.
  64. //

  65. #import<UIKit/UIKit.h>

  66. @interfaceMJOneViewController : UIViewController
  67. - (IBAction)jump2;

  68. @end
  69. // MJOneViewController.m

  70. //
  71. //  MJOneViewController.m
  72. //  01-modal
  73. //
  74. //  Created by apple on 13-12-11.
  75. //  Copyright (c) 2013itcast. All rights reserved.
  76. //

  77. #import"MJOneViewController.h"
  78. #import"MJTwoViewController.h"
  79. #import"MJThreeViewController.h"

  80. @interfaceMJOneViewController ()

  81. @end

  82. @implementationMJOneViewController

  83. //- (IBAction)jump2 {
  84. //    MJTwoViewController *two = [[MJTwoViewController alloc] init];
  85. //   
  86. //    // modalTransitionStyle设置模态控制器展示的形式
  87. //    /*
  88. //     UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical = 0, 垂直覆盖(从底部钻上来)
  89. //     UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal, 水平翻转
  90. //     UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve,  淡入淡出
  91. //     UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl     翻页(展示部分界面)
  92. //     */
  93. ////    two.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl;
  94. ////本文永久链接,转载请注明出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/ChenYilong/p/3490807.html   
  95. //    //modal形式展示其他控制器(模态窗口)
  96. //    [self presentViewController:two animated:YES completion:^{
  97. //        NSLog(@"----展示完毕");
  98. //    }];
  99. //}

  100. /*
  101.  给一个控制器顶部增加一个导航栏的最快方法:
  102.  1>给这个控制器包装一个导航控制器(UINavigationController
  103.  */

  104. - (void)jump2
  105. {
  106.     MJThreeViewController *three = [[MJThreeViewController alloc] init];
  108.     UINavigationController *nav = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:three];
  110.     nav.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
  112.     NSLog(@"前:one = %p, window的子控件%@",self.view, [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.subviews);
  114.     [selfpresentViewController:nav animated:YEScompletion:^{
  115.         NSLog(@"后:nav=%p, %@", nav.view, [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.subviews);
  116.     }];
  117. }
  118. @end
  119. // MJTwoViewController.h

  120. //
  121. //  MJTwoViewController.h
  122. //  01-modal
  123. //
  124. //  Created by apple on 13-12-11.
  125. //  Copyright (c) 2013itcast. All rights reserved.
  126. //

  127. #import<UIKit/UIKit.h>

  128. @interfaceMJTwoViewController : UIViewController
  129. - (IBAction)cancel:(id)sender;

  130. @end
  131. // MJTwoViewController.m

  132. //
  133. //  MJTwoViewController.m
  134. //  01-modal
  135. //
  136. //  Created by apple on 13-12-11.
  137. //  Copyright (c) 2013itcast. All rights reserved.
  138. //

  139. #import"MJTwoViewController.h"

  140. @interfaceMJTwoViewController ()

  141. @end

  142. @implementationMJTwoViewController

  143. - (void)viewDidLoad
  144. {
  145.     [superviewDidLoad];
  147.     UIButton *btn = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeContactAdd];
  148.     btn.frame = CGRectMake(0,44,40,40);
  149.     [self.view addSubview:btn];
  150. }

  151. - (IBAction)cancel:(id)sender {
  152.    //关闭当前的模态控制器
  153.     [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
  154. }
  155. @end
  156. // MJThreeViewController.h

  157. //
  158. //  MJThreeViewController.h
  159. //  01-modal
  160. //
  161. //  Created by apple on 13-12-11.
  162. //  Copyright (c) 2013itcast. All rights reserved.
  163. //

  164. #import<UIKit/UIKit.h>

  165. @interface MJThreeViewController : UIViewController

  166. @end
  167. // MJThreeViewController.m

  168. //
  169. //  MJThreeViewController.m
  170. //  01-modal
  171. //
  172. //  Created by apple on 13-12-11.
  173. //  Copyright (c) 2013itcast. All rights reserved.
  174. //

  175. #import"MJThreeViewController.h"

  176. @interface MJThreeViewController ()

  177. @end

  178. @implementationMJThreeViewController

  179. - (void)viewDidLoad
  180. {
  181.     [superviewDidLoad];
  183.     UIView *abc = [[UIView alloc] init];
  184.     abc.frame = CGRectMake(0,0,100,100);
  185.     abc.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
  186.     [self.view addSubview:abc];
  187.    //本文永久链接,转载请注明出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/ChenYilong/p/3490807.html
  188.    self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"取消"style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:selfaction:@selector(cancel)];
  189. }

  190. - (void)cancel
  191. {
  192.     [selfdismissViewControllerAnimated:YEScompletion:nil];
  193. }

  194. @end
posted @ 2013-12-25 15:46  iTeaTime(技术清谈)  阅读(400)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报