android BLE Peripheral 模拟 ibeacon 发出ble 广播
从Android 5.0+开始才支持。 api level >= 21
所以5.0 之前设备,是不能向外发送广播的。
从Android 4.3+ 。 api level >= 18
5、创建iBeacon 广播数据
1 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" /> 2 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" /> 3 <!-- 6.0之后蓝牙还需要地理位置权限 --> 4 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" /> 5 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> 6 7 <!-- 自行判断 --> 8 <uses-feature 9 android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth_le" 10 android:required="false" />
1 //初始化BluetoothManager和BluetoothAdapter 2 if (mBluetoothManager == null) { 3 mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) mContext.getSystemService(BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); 4 } 5 6 if (mBluetoothManager != null && mBluetoothAdapter == null) { 7 mBluetoothAdapter = mBluetoothManager.getAdapter(); 8 }
1 if (!activity.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_BLUETOOTH_LE)) { 2 Toast.makeText(activity, "不支持ble", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 4 return; 5 } 6 7 final BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) activity.getSystemService(BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); 8 mBluetoothAdapter = mBluetoothManager.getAdapter(); 9 10 if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { 11 Toast.makeText(activity, "不支持ble", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();13 return; 14 } 15 // 获取蓝牙ble广播 16 mBluetoothAdvertiser = mBluetoothAdapter.getBluetoothLeAdvertiser(); 17 if (mBluetoothAdvertiser == null) { 18 Toast.makeText(activity, "the device not support peripheral", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 19 Log.e(TAG, "the device not support peripheral");21 return; 22 }
public void startAdvertising(MockServerCallBack callBack) { //获取BluetoothLeAdvertiser,BLE发送BLE广播用的一个API if (mBluetoothAdvertiser == null) { mBluetoothAdvertiser = mBluetoothAdapter.getBluetoothLeAdvertiser(); } if (mBluetoothAdvertiser != null) {try { //创建BLE beacon Advertising并且广播 mBluetoothAdvertiser.startAdvertising(createAdvSettings(true, 0) , createIBeaconAdvertiseData(BluetoothUUID.bleServerUUID, mMajor, mMinor, mTxPower) , createScanAdvertiseData(mMajor, mMinor, mTxPower, mAdvCallback); } catch (Exception e) { Log.v(TAG, "Fail to setup BleService"); } } }
一个ble广播包:广播数据其实包含两部分:Advertising Data(广播数据) 和 Scan Response Data(扫描响应数据)。
通常情况下,广播的一方,按照一定的间隔,往空中广播 Advertising Data。
当某个监听设备监听到这个广播数据时候,会通过发送 Scan Response Request,请求广播方发送扫描响应数据数据。
这两部分数据的长度都是固定的 31 字节。
在 Android 中,系统会把这两个数据拼接在一起,返回一个 62 字节的数组。
1 //设置scan广播数据 2 public static AdvertiseData createScanAdvertiseData(short major, short minor, byte txPower) { 3 AdvertiseData.Builder builder = new AdvertiseData.Builder(); 4 builder.setIncludeDeviceName(true); 5 6 byte[] serverData = new byte[5]; 7 ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(serverData); 8 bb.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); 9 bb.putShort(major); 10 bb.putShort(minor); 11 bb.put(txPower); 12 builder.addServiceData(ParcelUuid.fromString(BluetoothUUID.bleServerUUID.toString()) 13 , serverData); 14 15 AdvertiseData adv =; 16 return adv; 17 }
5、创建ibeacon 广播数据。
iBeacon 的广播结构:iBeacon 只是协议.
- the 2 byte beacon identifier (0xBEAC)
- the 16 bytes UUID
- the 2 byte major
- the 2 byte minor
- the 1 byte tx power
Byte 0-2: Standard BLE Flags
Byte 0: Length : 0x02 Byte 1: Type: 0x01 (Flags) Byte 2: Value: 0x06 (Typical Flags)
Byte 3-29: Apple Defined iBeacon Data
Byte 3: Length: 0x1a Byte 4: Type: 0xff (Custom Manufacturer Packet) Byte 5-6: Manufacturer ID : 0x4c00 (Apple) Byte 7: SubType: 0x2 (iBeacon) Byte 8: SubType Length: 0x15 Byte 9-24: Proximity UUID Byte 25-26: Major Byte 27-28: Minor Byte 29: Signal Power
ManufactureData : 设备厂商的自定义数据
使用addManufactureData(int manufacturerId, byte[] manufacturerSpecificData);
(比如id传入0xac, 不足两个字节,输入广播时:ac, 00)
1 /** 2 * create AdvertiseDate for iBeacon 3 */ 4 public static AdvertiseData createIBeaconAdvertiseData(UUID proximityUuid, short major, short minor, byte txPower) { 5 6 String[] uuidstr = proximityUuid.toString().replaceAll("-", "").toLowerCase().split(""); 7 byte[] uuidBytes = new byte[16]; 8 for (int i = 1, x = 0; i < uuidstr.length; x++) { 9 uuidBytes[x] = (byte) ((Integer.parseInt(uuidstr[i++], 16) << 4) | Integer.parseInt(uuidstr[i++], 16)); 10 } 11 byte[] majorBytes = {(byte) (major >> 8), (byte) (major & 0xff)}; 12 byte[] minorBytes = {(byte) (minor >> 8), (byte) (minor & 0xff)}; 13 byte[] mPowerBytes = {txPower}; 14 byte[] manufacturerData = new byte[0x17]; 15 byte[] flagibeacon = {0x02, 0x15}; 16 17 System.arraycopy(flagibeacon, 0x0, manufacturerData, 0x0, 0x2); 18 System.arraycopy(uuidBytes, 0x0, manufacturerData, 0x2, 0x10); 19 System.arraycopy(majorBytes, 0x0, manufacturerData, 0x12, 0x2); 20 System.arraycopy(minorBytes, 0x0, manufacturerData, 0x14, 0x2); 21 System.arraycopy(mPowerBytes, 0x0, manufacturerData, 0x16, 0x1); 22 23 AdvertiseData.Builder builder = new AdvertiseData.Builder(); 24 builder.addManufacturerData(0x004c, manufacturerData); 25 26 AdvertiseData adv =; 27 return adv; 28 }
setAdvertiseMode(int advertiseMode) 设置广播的模式,低功耗,平衡和低延迟三种模式; 对应 AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_MODE_LOW_POWER ,ADVERTISE_MODE_BALANCED ,ADVERTISE_MODE_LOW_LATENCY 从左右到右,广播的间隔会越来越短
setConnectable(boolean connectable)
setTimeout(int timeoutMillis) 设置广播的最长时间,最大值为常量AdvertiseSettings.LIMITED_ADVERTISING_MAX_MILLIS = 180 * 1000; 180秒 设为0时,代表无时间限制会一直广播
setTxPowerLevel(int txPowerLevel) 设置广播的信号强度 常量有AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_ULTRA_LOW, ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_LOW, ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_MEDIUM, ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_HIGH 从左到右分别表示强度越来越强. 举例:当设置为ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_ULTRA_LOW时, 手机1和手机2放在一起,手机2扫描到的rssi信号强度为-56左右, 当设置为ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_HIGH 时, 扫描到的信号强度为-33左右, 信号强度越大,表示手机和设备靠的越近
* AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_HIGH -56 dBm @ 1 meter with Nexus 5
* AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_LOW -75 dBm @ 1 meter with Nexus 5
* AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_MEDIUM -66 dBm @ 1 meter with Nexus 5
*AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_ULTRA_LOW not detected with Nexus 5
1 public AdvertiseSettings createAdvSettings(boolean connectable, int timeoutMillis) { 2 AdvertiseSettings.Builder builder = new AdvertiseSettings.Builder(); 3 //设置广播的模式, 功耗相关 4 builder.setAdvertiseMode(AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_MODE_BALANCED); 5 builder.setConnectable(connectable); 6 builder.setTimeout(timeoutMillis); 7 builder.setTxPowerLevel(AdvertiseSettings.ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_HIGH); 8 AdvertiseSettings mAdvertiseSettings =; 9 if (mAdvertiseSettings == null) { 10 Log.e(TAG, "mAdvertiseSettings == null"); 11 } 12 return mAdvertiseSettings; 13 }
1 //发送广播的回调,onStartSuccess/onStartFailure很明显的两个Callback 2 private AdvertiseCallback mAdvCallback = new AdvertiseCallback() { 3 public void onStartSuccess(android.bluetooth.le.AdvertiseSettings settingsInEffect) { 4 super.onStartSuccess(settingsInEffect); 5 if (settingsInEffect != null) { 6 Log.d(TAG, "onStartSuccess TxPowerLv=" + settingsInEffect.getTxPowerLevel() + " mode=" + settingsInEffect.getMode() + " timeout=" + settingsInEffect.getTimeout()); 7 } else { 8 Log.d(TAG, "onStartSuccess, settingInEffect is null"); 9 } 10 } 11 12 public void onStartFailure(int errorCode) { 13 super.onStartFailure(errorCode); 14 Log.d(TAG, "onStartFailure errorCode=" + errorCode); 15 16 if (errorCode == ADVERTISE_FAILED_DATA_TOO_LARGE) { 17 Toast.makeText(mContext, "advertise_failed_data_too_large", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 18 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start advertising as the advertise data to be broadcasted is larger than 31 bytes."); 19 } else if (errorCode == ADVERTISE_FAILED_TOO_MANY_ADVERTISERS) { 20 Toast.makeText(mContext, "advertise_failed_too_many_advertises", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 21 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start advertising because no advertising instance is available."); 22 23 } else if (errorCode == ADVERTISE_FAILED_ALREADY_STARTED) { 24 Toast.makeText(mContext, "advertise_failed_already_started", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 25 Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start advertising as the advertising is already started"); 26 27 } else if (errorCode == ADVERTISE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR) { 28 Toast.makeText(mContext, "advertise_failed_internal_error", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 29 Log.e(TAG, "Operation failed due to an internal error"); 30 31 } else if (errorCode == ADVERTISE_FAILED_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED) { 32 Toast.makeText(mContext, "advertise_failed_feature_unsupported", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 33 Log.e(TAG, "This feature is not supported on this platform"); 34 35 } 36 } 37 };
注意:对于ios 设备接受广播,外围设备还是要广播出来一个16位的serviceUUID,因为扫描的时候要用(如果不指定特定服务的UUID,没有办法进行后台持续扫描连接).