
要转换成8为的20101231格式的话,需要使用ConvertDate To String Based on Format Code 函数:N0701500

2.字符串转换为数字 B0000580

3.8位日期转换为JDE日期 B74I0010

  char       szDateOne[ ] = "03/10/1994\n";

  char       szFormatMask[ ] = "OSASE";


Mask   Description

D   Day Number, 1 or 2 digits.

A   Day Number, ZERO pad to 2 digits.

Y   Day Number, space pad to 2 digits.

M   Month Number, 1 or 2 digits.

O   Month Number, ZERO pad to 2 digits.

N   Month Number, space pad to 2 digits.

T   Month Number, by language, from UDC.

B   Abbreviated Month Name, by language, fromUDC.

R   2 Digit Year.

E   4 Digit Year.

S   Date slash character, from configuration.

C   Date comma character,from configuration.

posted @ 2010-11-01 16:58  Cage  阅读(363)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报