
1.explicitly  显式地...

They must be explicitly destroyed by the application. 他们需要程序显式地销毁。

2.sorted 有序的

For sorted lists...  对于一个有序列表...

3.entry 条目;index,索引

trying to add a duplicate string causes AddObject to return the index of the existing entry.


4.regardless of 无论(不考虑)

getNextSibling will return the next node, regardless of whether it's visible. To find the next node in the tree view including child nodes, use GetNext.

5.first occurrence of 第一次出现的

6.obtain 得到,获取。

7.is identical to 完全相同的

8.0-based 从0开始的

9.Thus 因此

virtual int __fastcall IndexOf(const AnsiString S);


Call IndexOf to obtain the position of the first occurrence of a string that matches S.

A string matches S if it is identical to S or, if CaseSensitive is false, if it differs only in case.

IndexOf returns the 0-based index of the string. Thus, if S matches the first string in the list, IndexOf returns 0, if S is the second string, IndexOf returns 1, and so on. If the string does not have a match in the string list, IndexOf returns -1.

10.specifies  指定了,详细描述了...

virtual void __fastcall MoveTo(TTreeNode* Destination, TNodeAttachMode Mode);


The Destination parameter specifies a node that will be this node's parent or sibling after the move. The Mode parameter specifies the new relationship between this node and the destination node.

posted @ 2013-12-18 09:08  CPYER  阅读(295)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报