


2,基础:OPENNI, OPENCV2.2,上一篇“利用KINECT+OPENCV检测手势的演示程序”以及http://blog.163.com/gz_ricky/blog/static/182049118201122311118325/




// HandDetectByUser.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <XnCppWrapper.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

//#define SAMPLE_XML_PATH "../../Data/SamplesConfig.xml"

//Distance area (mm)
//int g_forwardDist = 50;
int g_backwardDist = 100;

vector<vector<Point>> g_TemplateContours;

int g_handTNum = 6;

void CheckOpenNIError( XnStatus eResult, string sStatus )
if( eResult != XN_STATUS_OK )
cerr << sStatus << " Error: " << xnGetStatusString( eResult ) << endl;

// Callback: A new user find
void XN_CALLBACK_TYPE User_NewUser(xn::UserGenerator& generator, XnUserID nId, void* pCookie)
printf("New User %d/n", nId);

// Callback: An existing user was lost
void XN_CALLBACK_TYPE User_LostUser(xn::UserGenerator& generator, XnUserID nId, void* pCookie)
printf("Lost user %d/n", nId);

void init_hand_template()
//int handTNum = 10;
string temp = "HandTemplate/";

int i = 0;

for(i=0; i<g_handTNum; i++)
stringstream ss;
ss << i << ".bmp";

string fileName = temp + ss.str();

Mat src = imread(fileName, 0);

printf("未找到文件: %s/n", fileName);

vector<vector<Point>> contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;

findContours(src, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
//findContours(src, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);


int hand_template_match(Mat& hand)
//int handTNum = 10;
int minId = -1;
double minHu = 1;

double hu;
int method = CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I1;

//match_num = 0;

for(int i=0; i<g_handTNum; i++){

Mat temp(g_TemplateContours.at(i));
hu = matchShapes(temp, hand, method, 0);

if(hu < minHu){
minHu = hu;
minId = i;

//printf("%f ", hu);

int Hmatch_value = 25;//模板匹配系数

return minId;
return -1;

void findHand(Mat& src, Mat& dst)
vector<vector<Point>> contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;

//findContours(src, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
//findContours(src, contours, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

Mat dst_r = Mat::zeros(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC3);

// iterate through all the top-level contours,
// draw each connected component with its own random color
int idx = 0;
double maxArea = 0.0;
int maxId = -1;

for(unsigned int i = 0; i<contours.size(); i++)
Mat temp(contours.at(i));
double area = fabs(contourArea(temp));
if(area > maxArea)
maxId = i;
maxArea = area;

//for( ; idx >= 0; idx = hierarchy[idx][0] )
// //Scalar color( rand()&255, rand()&255, rand()&255 );
// //drawContours(dst, contours, idx, color, CV_FILLED, 8, hierarchy );

// double area = contourArea(contours.at(idx));
// if(area > maxArea)
// {
// maxId = idx;
// maxArea = area;
// }

if(contours.size() > 0)
Scalar color(0, 255, 255 );
drawContours(dst, contours, maxId, color);

Mat hand(contours.at(maxId));
int value = hand_template_match(hand);

if(value >= 0)
Scalar templateColor(255, 0, 255 );
drawContours(dst, g_TemplateContours, value, templateColor);

printf("Match %d /r/n", value);

stringstream ss;
ss << "Match " << value;
string text = ss.str();
putText(dst, text, Point(300, 30), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, templateColor);

unsigned short GetNearestPointByUser(const xn::DepthMetaData& dmd, const xn::SceneMetaData& smd)
XnUInt16 g_nXRes = dmd.XRes();
XnUInt16 g_nYRes = dmd.YRes();

unsigned short minDepth = 10000;

for (XnUInt16 nY=0; nY<g_nYRes; nY++)
for (XnUInt16 nX=0; nX<g_nXRes; nX++)
if( (smd(nX,nY) != 0) && (dmd(nX,nY) < minDepth))
minDepth = dmd(nX,nY);

//if( (smd(nY,nX) != 0) && (dmd(nY,nX) < minDepth))
// minDepth = dmd(nY, nX);

return minDepth;

void GetHandByUser(Mat& hand, unsigned short nearest, const xn::DepthMetaData& dmd, const xn::SceneMetaData& smd)
XnUInt16 g_nXRes = dmd.XRes();
XnUInt16 g_nYRes = dmd.YRes();

Mat dst = Mat::zeros(g_nYRes, g_nXRes, CV_8UC1);

for (XnUInt16 nY=0; nY<g_nYRes; nY++)
for (XnUInt16 nX=0; nX<g_nXRes; nX++)
if( (smd(nX,nY) != 0) && (dmd(nX,nY) < (nearest + g_backwardDist) ) )
hand.at<unsigned char>(nY,nX) = 0xFF;
//uchar *p = hand.data + nY * g_nXRes + nX;
//*p = 0xFF;

int HandDetect()
char key=0;

XnStatus eResult = XN_STATUS_OK;

//initial val
xn::DepthMetaData m_DepthMD;
//xn::ImageMetaData m_ImageMD;
xn::SceneMetaData m_sceneMD;

// for opencv Mat
//Mat m_depth16u( 480,640,CV_16UC1);
//Mat m_user16u( 480,640,CV_16UC1);
//Mat m_rgb8u( 480,640,CV_8UC3);
Mat m_DepthShow( 480,640,CV_8UC1);
Mat m_UserShow( 480,640,CV_8UC1);
//Mat m_ImageShow( 480,640,CV_8UC3);
Mat m_DepthThreshShow( 480,640,CV_8UC1);
Mat m_HandShow( 480,640,CV_8UC3);

//initial context
xn::Context mContext;

eResult = mContext.Init();

//xn::EnumerationErrors errors;
//eResult = mContext.InitFromXmlFile(SAMPLE_XML_PATH, &errors);

CheckOpenNIError( eResult, "initialize context" );

//Set mirror

//create depth generator
xn::DepthGenerator mDepthGenerator;
eResult = mDepthGenerator.Create( mContext );
CheckOpenNIError( eResult, "Create depth generator" );

//create image generator
xn::ImageGenerator mImageGenerator;
eResult = mImageGenerator.Create( mContext );
CheckOpenNIError( eResult, "Create image generator" );

//set map mode
XnMapOutputMode mapMode;
mapMode.nXRes = 640;
mapMode.nYRes = 480;
mapMode.nFPS = 30;
eResult = mDepthGenerator.SetMapOutputMode( mapMode );
eResult = mImageGenerator.SetMapOutputMode( mapMode );

//Create user generator
xn::UserGenerator mUserGenerator;
eResult = mUserGenerator.Create( mContext );
CheckOpenNIError( eResult, "Create user generator" );

//Set callback by option
//XnCallbackHandle hUserCallbacks;
//mUserGenerator.RegisterUserCallbacks(User_NewUser, User_LostUser, NULL, hUserCallbacks);

//由于 Kinect 的深度摄像机和彩色摄像机是在不同的位置,而且镜头本身的参数也不完全相同,所以两个摄像机所取得的画面会有些微的差异
// correct view port
//mDepthGenerator.GetAlternativeViewPointCap().SetViewPoint( mImageGenerator );

//start generate data
eResult = mContext.StartGeneratingAll();
CheckOpenNIError( eResult, "Start generate" );

//read data
eResult = mContext.WaitNoneUpdateAll();
while( (key!=27) && !(eResult = mContext.WaitNoneUpdateAll( )) )
//get the depth map
//memcpy(m_depth16u.data,m_DepthMD.Data(), 640*480*2);

//get the user map
mUserGenerator.GetUserPixels(0, m_sceneMD);
//memcpy(m_user16u.data,m_sceneMD.Data(), 640*480*2);

//get the image map

//Get nearest point
unsigned short nearest = GetNearestPointByUser(m_DepthMD, m_sceneMD);
//printf("Nearest is %d/n", nearest);

//Get user hand
GetHandByUser(m_DepthShow, nearest, m_DepthMD, m_sceneMD);

//erode(m_DepthShow, m_DepthThreshShow, Mat(), Point(-1,-1), 3);
//dilate(m_DepthThreshShow, m_DepthShow, Mat(), Point(-1,-1), 3);

medianBlur(m_DepthShow, m_DepthThreshShow, 3);
medianBlur(m_DepthThreshShow, m_DepthShow, 3);
//blur(m_DepthShow, m_DepthThreshShow, Size(3, 3));
//blur(m_DepthThreshShow, m_DepthShow, Size(3, 3));

//Mat pyrTemp( 240,320,CV_8UC1);
//pyrDown(m_DepthShow, pyrTemp);
//pyrUp(pyrTemp, m_DepthShow);

imshow( "Hand", m_DepthShow );

findHand(m_DepthShow, m_HandShow);
imshow( "Result", m_HandShow );


// 10. stop

return 0;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

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