Oracle MongoDB
DataBase DataBase
Table(表) Collection(集合)
index(索引) index(索引)
row(一行记录) BSON(类似JSON格式)
column(列,字段) BSON中的字段
join(连接) embedding and linking(嵌入和连接)
primary key(主键) _id field(ID标识符)
group by(分组) aggregation(聚合)
SQL语句 MongoDB语句
Create table users(a int,b int)建立一张表 我们无需显式创建Collection,前面讲了在我们保存第一条文档的时候MongoDB会自动创建,当然我们也可以显示的建立:
Collection: db.createCollection("users", { capped:true, size:100000}) // capped:是否覆盖 size:大小以字节为单位
Alter table users……… 模式自由
inert into users value(3,5) |
db.users.insert({a:3,b:5}) |
select a,b from users |
db.users.find({}, {a:1,b:1}) |
select * from users |
db.users.find() |
select * from users where age=33 |
db.users.find({age:33}) |
select a,b from users where age=33 |
db.users.find({age:33}, {a:1,b:1}) |
select * from users where age=33 order by name |
db.users.find({age:33}).sort({name:1}) |
select * from users where age>33 |
db.users.find({age:{$gt:33}}) |
select * from users where age!=33 |
db.users.find({age:{$ne:33}}) |
select * from users where name like "%Joe%" |
db.users.find({name:/Joe/}) |
select * from users where name LIKE "Joe%" |
db.users.find({name:/^Joe/}) |
select * from users where age>33 and age<=40 |
db.users.find({'age':{$gt:33,$lte:40}}) |
select * from users order by name desc |
db.users.find().sort({name:-1}) |
select * from users where a=1 and b='q' |
db.users.find({a:1,b:'q'}) |
select * from users limit 10 skip 20 |
db.users.find().limit(10).skip(20) |
select * from users where a=1 or b=2 |
db.users.find( { $or : [ { a : 1 } , { b : 2 } ] } ) |
select * from users limit 1 |
db.users.findOne() |
select order_id from orders o, order_line_items li where li.order_id=o.order_id and li.sku=12345 |
db.orders.find({"items.sku":12345},{_id:1}) |
select from customers,orders where"q179" and |
var o = db.orders.findOne({_id:"q179"}); var name = db.customers.findOne({_id:o.custid}) |
select distinct last_name from users |
db.users.distinct('last_name') |
select count(*y) from users |
db.users.count() |
select count(*y) from users where age > 30 |
db.users.find({age: {'$gt': 30}}).count() |
select count(age) from users |
db.users.find({age: {'$exists': true}}).count() |
create index myindexname on users(name) |
db.users.ensureIndex({name:1}) |
create index myindexname ON users(name,ts desc) |
db.users.ensureIndex({name:1,ts:-1}) |
explain select * from users where z=3 |
db.users.find({z:3}).explain() |
update users set a=1 where b='q' |
db.users.update({b:'q'}, {$set:{a:1}}, false, true) |
update users set a=a+2 where b='q' |
db.users.update({b:'q'}, {$inc:{a:2}}, false, true) |
delete from users where z="abc" |
db.users.remove({z:'abc'}); |
posted on 2012-12-18 00:44 Arts&Crafts 阅读(2614) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 举报
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