mysql sql 修改表名 建立外键 修改列名 删除列
rename table t_softwareport to software_port;
alter table software_port add constraint fk_software_port_softwareprocessid foreign key (softwareprocessid)
references software_process (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table software_type
drop column upid,
drop column orderid;
alter table software_process change software_id softwareid int(11) not null;
rename table t_softwareport to software_port;
alter table software_port add constraint fk_software_port_softwareprocessid foreign key (softwareprocessid)
references software_process (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table software_type
drop column upid,
drop column orderid;
alter table software_process change software_id softwareid int(11) not null;
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