关闭ReSharper中的[ Use 'var' ]提示(Disable C# “var” Recommendation in ReSharper)
ReSharper,确实是个很不错的工具,代码如果写得不规范他会提示,而且可以根据自己公司的需求自定义代码规范。 默认设置的提示已经相当完美,但美中不足就是老提示你用var来代替所有类型。
2、从弹框中选择“Code Inspection”,“Inspection Severity”;
3、选择“Language Usage Opportunities”;
4、将“Use 'var' keyword when initializer explicitly declares type”,设置为“Do not show”。
To disable these suggestions, do the following:
1. Go to the ReSharper menu and select Options…
2. From the resulting dialog box, select Code Inspection, Inspection Severity.
3. Select the C# tab and then Language Usage Opportunities.
4. Set both “Use ‘var’ keyword when initializer explicitly declares type” and “Use ‘var’ keyword when possible” to “Do not show”.
posted on 2013-09-28 11:16 AngelLee2009 阅读(2671) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报