
实际案例:bullet holes



基本公式:UV + ViewDir.xy *( depth * scale + bias) / viewDir.z;

(ViewDir是贴图空间, depth为深度图中储存值,scale看实际的最大深度,比如(贴图覆盖2*2M的范围,并且最大高度差为0.02M,则scale为0.02/2 = 0.01), bias不固定,得看实际情况,一般情况下,-0.01会看起来下陷一些,而+0.01就抬高一些。)


steepMap技术是指更细微的搜索实际深度。(其中currPoint即为上公式所求值,currHeight为1.0, tStep为currPoint / 25, hStep = 1 / 25, iStep = 25)

float TraceLinear(sampler2D m_HeightMap, inout vec2 CurrPoint, inout float CurrHeight, vec2 tStep, float hStep, float mipLevel, float iSteps, inout float Intersected) {
    float tHeight = 0.0;
    for(float i = 0.0; i < iSteps; i+= 1.0)   {
        // The trace will stop at the point before the actuall intersection with m_HeightMap field happens
        tHeight = 1.0f - texture2DLod( m_HeightMap, CurrPoint - tStep, mipLevel ).x;

        if( (CurrHeight - hStep > tHeight) && (CurrHeight > 0) ) {
            CurrHeight -= hStep;
            CurrPoint  -= tStep;
        else {
            Intersected = 1.0f;
            i = iSteps;
    return tHeight;


JME3 lighting.frag例子


float h;
         h = texture2D(m_ParallaxMap, texCoord).r;
          h = texture2D(m_NormalMap, texCoord).a;
       float heightScale = 0.05;
       float heightBias = heightScale * -0.5;
       vec3 normView = normalize(vViewDir);      // vViewDir为贴图空间

       h = (h * heightScale + heightBias) * normView.z;

       newTexCoord = texCoord + (h * -normView.xy);


posted @ 2012-09-09 17:45  ActionFG  阅读(388)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报