

We already know why blocking occurs in the system and how to detect and troubleshoot the blocking issues. Today I’d like us to focus on the deadlocks.First, what is the deadlock? Classic deadlock occurs when 2 processes compete for the resources and waiting on each other. Let’s take a look on that. Click on each picture below to open them in the different window. Let’s assume that Orders table has the clustered index on ID column.Let we have the session 1 that starts transaction and updates the row from the Order table. We already know that Session 1 acquires X lock on this row (ID=1) and hold it till end of transaction


Now let’s start session 2 and have it update another row in the Orders table. Same situation – session acquires and holds X lock on the row with (ID = 2).


Now if session 1 tries to acquire X lock on the row with ID = 2 , it cannot do that because Session 2 already held X lock there. So, Session 1 is going to be blocked till Session 2 rollback or commit the transaction


It worth to mention that it would happen in any transaction isolation level except SNAPSHOT that handles such conditions differently. So read uncommitted does not help with the deadlocks at all.

这里值得提醒的时,上面的场景需要排除镜像这种特殊优化过的隔离模式。所以从上面的例子来看,read uncommitted隔离模式是不能帮忙我们解决死锁问题的。

Simple enough. Unfortunately it rarely happens in the real life. Let’s see it in the small example using the same dbo.Data table like before. Let’s start 2 sessions and update 2 separate rows in the table (acquire X locks).




Session 1:


Session 2:


Now let’s run 2 selects.


Session 1:


Session 2:


Well, as you can see, it introduces deadlock.


To understand why it happens, let’s take a look at the execution plan of the select statement:


As you can see – there is the table scan. So let’s think what happened


  1. First of all, we have 2 X locks on the different rows acquired by both sessions.


  1. When session 1 ran select, it introduced table scan. In read committed, repeatable read or serializable isolation levels, readers issue shared S locks, so when session 1 tried to read the row with ID = 40000 (X lock held by session 2) – it was blocked.

          当会话1执行查询时,它会引发表扫描,在三种悲观事务隔离级别事务中(除read uncommitted),读会产生共享锁,所有当会话1尝试去读取Id=40000的数据行时就会出现阻塞,因为会话2更新数据行的事务并未结束。

  1. Same thing happens with session 2 – it’s blocked on the row with ID = 1 (X lock held by session 1).


So this is the classic deadlock even if there are no data updates involved. It worth to mention that read uncommitted transaction isolation level would not introduce deadlock – readers in this isolation level do not acquire S locks. Although you’ll have deadlock in the case if you change select to update even in read uncommitted level. Otimistic isolation levels also behave differently and we will talk about it later.So as you can see, in the real life as other blocking issues deadlocks happen due non-optimized queries.

这是经典的死锁场景即使此时没有任何相关的数据被更新。这里值得再次提醒的是,在read uncommitted事务隔离级别下是不能减少死锁的,尽管在此模式时并不需要申请共享锁。

        注:本篇文章中一直来讲read uncommitted模式不能解决死锁,在本篇没有举例子,但之前的系列文章中已经有了,可以详细参考。

Next week we will talk how to detect and deal with deadlocks.


posted on 2014-03-16 23:50  min.jiang  阅读(4101)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报