Andrew Ng 吴恩达近期论文整理

Andrew Ng 个人主页,, 其团队近期论文整理如下:


Noising and Denoising Natural Language: Diverse Backtranslation for Grammar Correction

2017 年:

CheXNet: Radiologist-Level Pneumonia Detection on Chest X-Rays with Deep Learning

Cardiologist-Level Arrhythmia Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks

Data Noising as Smoothing inNeural Network Language Models   

Deep Voice: Real-time NeuralText-to-Speech


Autonomous Aerobatic Airplane Control with Reinforcement Learning

Deep Learning: What's Next

Neural Language Correction withCharacter-Based Attention

Speech Is 3x Faster than Typing forEnglish and Mandarin Text Entry on Mobile Devices

Unsupervised deep learning applied tobreast density segmentation and mammographic risk scoring


An Empirical Evaluation of DeepLearning on Highway Driving

Building DNN Acoustic Models forLarge Vocabulary Speech Recognition

Deep Speech 2: End-to-End SpeechRecognition in English and Mandarin

Driverseat: Crowdstrapping LearningTasks for Autonomous Driving

Lexicon-Free Conversational SpeechRecognition with Neural Networks


Deep Speech: Scaling up end-to-endspeech recognition

First-Pass Large VocabularyContinuous Speech Recognition using Bi-Directional Recurrent DNNs

Grounded Compositional Semantics forFinding and Describing Images with Sentences

Increasing Deep Neural NetworkAcoustic Model Size for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition

OfferingVerified Credentials in Massive Open Online Courses: MOOCs and technology toadvance learning and learning research (Ubiquity symposium)


Arrangement and method forthree-dimensional depth image construction

Deep learning for class-generic objectdetection

Deep learning with COTS HPCsystems

Learning New Facts From Knowledge Bases With NeuralTensor Networks and Semantic Word Vectors

Parsing with Compositional VectorGrammars

Tuned Models of Peer Assessment inMOOCs

The Online Revolution: Education forEveryone

Zero-Shot Learning ThroughCross-Modal Transfer

posted @ 2018-10-23 11:17  AI-爱好者  阅读(389)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报