ASPCMS 分页标签样式文件 inc/AspCms_CommonFun.asp

<!--#include file="AspCms_templateFun.asp" -->
Function createTextFile(Byval content,Byval fileDir,Byval code)
 dim fileobj,fileCode : fileDir=replace(fileDir, "\", "/")
 if isNul(code) then fileCode="utf-8" else fileCode=code
 call createfolder(fileDir,"filedir")
 on error resume next
 With objStream
  .WriteText content:
  .SaveToFile Server.MapPath(fileDir), 2
 End With
 if Err Then  err.clear :createTextFile=false : errid=err.number:errdes=err.description:Err.Clear : echoErr err_09,errid,errdes else createTextFile=true
End Function

Function createStreamFile(Byval stream,Byval fileDir)
 dim errid,errdes
 fileDir=replace(fileDir, "\", "/")
 call createfolder(fileDir,"filedir")
 on error resume next
 With objStream
  .Type =1
  .write stream
  .SaveToFile server.mappath(fileDir),2
 End With
 if Err Then  error.clear:createStreamFile=false else createStreamFile=true
End Function

Function checkMode()
 dim host,path,query,reExp,isWap
 host = "http://"&request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")
 path = replaceStr(request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO"),"/index.asp","")
 query = request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")
 isWap = checkWap()
 Set reExp = New RegExp
 reExp.IgnoreCase = True
 reExp.Global = True
 If isWap and switchWapStatus Then
  pagemode="wap"  '手机终端并且开启状态,设置模式
  if not reExp.test(path) then  '如果非手机地址,则跳转
   Response.Redirect host&"/wap/"&path&"?"&query
  end if
 End If
 If not isWap and switchWapDebug=1 and reExp.test(path) then pagemode="wap"  '手机版调试模式
 If not isWap and switchWapDebug<>1 and reExp.test(path) Then '只要时电脑访问手机路径,一律转PC地址
  path = replace(path,"/wap","")
  Response.Redirect host&"/"&path&"?"&query
 End If
 Set reExp = nothing
End Function

Function checkWap()
  dim flag:flag = false
  dim MoblieUrl,reExp,MbStr
  Set reExp = New RegExp
  MbStr="Android|iPhone|Windows Phone|webOS|BlackBerry|iPod"
  reExp.IgnoreCase = True
  reExp.Global = True
  If reExp.test(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) Then
    flag = true
  End If
  checkWap = flag
  Set reExp = nothing
End Function

Function createFolder1(Byval dir,Byval dirType)
 dim subPathArray,lenSubPathArray, pathDeep, i
 on error resume next
 dir=replace(dir, "\", "/")
 dir=replace(server.mappath(dir), server.mappath("/"), "")
 subPathArray=split(dir, "\")
 select case dirType
  case "filedir"
    lenSubPathArray=ubound(subPathArray) - 1
  case "folderdir"
 end select
 for i=0 to  lenSubPathArray
  if not objFso.FolderExists(pathDeep) then objFso.CreateFolder pathDeep
 if Err Then  createFolder=false : errid=err.number:errdes=err.description:Err.Clear : echoErr err_10,errid,errdes else createFolder=true
End Function

Function createFolder(Byval dir,Byval dirType)
dim subPathArray,lenSubPathArray, pathDeep, i
on error resume next
dir=replace(dir, "\", "/")
    if trim(sitePath) = "" then pathDeep = "/" else pathDeep = sitePath
    pathDeep = server.MapPath(pathDeep)
dir=replace(server.mappath(dir), pathDeep, "")
subPathArray=split(dir, "\")
select case dirType
case "filedir"
 lenSubPathArray=ubound(subPathArray) - 1
case "folderdir"
end select
for i=0 to  lenSubPathArray
        if trim(subPathArray(i)) <> "" then
    if not objFso.FolderExists(pathDeep) then objFso.CreateFolder pathDeep
        end if
if Err Then  createFolder=false : errid=err.number:errdes=err.description:Err.Clear : echoErr err_10,errid,errdes else createFolder=true
End Function

Function isExistFile(Byval fileDir)
 on error resume next
 If (objFso.FileExists(server.MapPath(fileDir))) Then  isExistFile=True  Else  isExistFile=False
 if err then err.clear:isExistFile=False
End Function

Function isExistFolder(Byval folderDir)
 on error resume next
 If objFso.FolderExists(server.MapPath(folderDir)) Then  isExistFolder=True Else isExistFolder=False
 if err then err.clear:isExistFolder=False
End Function

Function delFolder(Byval folderDir)
 on error resume next
 If isExistFolder(folderDir)=True Then 
  if Err Then  delFolder=false : errid=err.number : errdes=err.description:Err.Clear : echoErr err_11,errid,errdes else delFolder=true
  delFolder=false : die(err_13)
 end if
End Function

Function delFile(Byval fileDir)
 on error resume next
 If isExistFile(fileDir)=True Then objFso.DeleteFile(server.mappath(fileDir))
 if  Err Then  delFile=false : errid=err.number : errdes=err.description:Err.Clear : echoErr err_12,errid,errdes else delFile=true
End Function

Function initAllObjects()
 dim errid,errdes
 on error resume next
 if not isobject(objFso) then set objFso=server.createobject(FSO_OBJ_NAME)
 If Err Then errid=err.number:errdes=err.description:Err.Clear:echoErr err_05,errid,errdes
 if not isobject(objStream) then Set objStream=Server.CreateObject(STREAM_OBJ_NAME)
 If Err Then errid=err.number:errdes=err.description:Err.Clear:echoErr err_04,errid,errdes
End Function

Function terminateAllObjects()
 on error resume next
 if conn.isConnect then conn.close
 if isobject(conn) then : set conn=nothing
 if isobject(objFso) then set objFso=nothing
 if isobject(objStream) then set objStream=nothing
 if isObject(gXmlHttpObj) then SET gXmlHttpObj=Nothing
End Function

Function moveFolder(oldFolder,newFolder)
 dim voldFolder,vnewFolder
 on error resume next
 if voldFolder <> vnewFolder then
  if not objFso.FolderExists(vnewFolder) then createFolder newFolder,"folderdir"
  if  objFso.FolderExists(voldFolder)  then  objFso.CopyFolder voldFolder,vnewFolder : objFso.DeleteFolder(voldFolder)
  if Err Then  moveFolder=false : errid=err.number : errdes=err.description:Err.Clear : echoErr err_14,errid,errdes else moveFolder=true
 end if
End Function

Function moveFile(ByVal src,ByVal target,Byval operType)
 dim srcPath,targetPath
 if isExistFile(src) then
  objFso.Copyfile srcPath,targetPath
  if operType="del" then  delFile src
 end if
End Function

Function getFolderList(Byval cDir)
 dim filePath,objFolder,objSubFolder,objSubFolders,i
 redim  folderList(0)
 set objFolder=objFso.GetFolder(filePath)
 set objSubFolders=objFolder.Subfolders
 for each objSubFolder in objSubFolders
  ReDim Preserve folderList(i)
  With objSubFolder
  End With
  i=i + 1
 set objFolder=nothing
 set objSubFolders=nothing
End Function

Function getFileList(Byval cDir)
 dim filePath,objFolder,objFile,objFiles,i,fileList
 redim  fileList(0)
 set objFolder=objFso.GetFolder(filePath)
 set objFiles=objFolder.Files
 for each objFile in objFiles
  ReDim Preserve fileList(i)
  With objFile
   fileList(i)","&Mid(.name, InStrRev(.name, ".") + 1)&","&.size/1000&"KB,"&.DateLastModified&","&cDir&"/"&.name
  End With
  i=i + 1
 set objFiles=nothing
 set objFolder=nothing
End Function

Function loadFile(ByVal filePath)
    dim errid,errdes
    On Error Resume Next
    With objStream
  if isExistStr(lcase(filePath),"templates") then
  .Charset=Charset      '只要模板目录,根据设置格式来载入
  end if
  'echo Server.MapPath(filePath)&"<br>"
        .LoadFromFile Server.MapPath(filePath)
        If Err Then  errid=err.number:errdes=err.description:Err.Clear:echoErr err_06,errid,errdes
  'die "A"
    End With
End Function

Sub Rposting
 conn.exec "update {prefix}Content  set TimeStatus=0 where TimeStatus=1 and Timeing <= #" & formatDate(now(),4) &"#","exe"
End Sub

'str 提示信息
'url 跳转地址
Sub alertMsgAndGo(str,url)
 dim urlstr
 if url<>"" then urlstr="location.href='"&url&"';"
 if url="-1" then urlstr="history.go(-1);"
 if not isNul(str) then str ="alert('"&str&"');"
End Sub
Sub alertMsgAndGoParent(str,url)
 dim urlstr
 if url<>"" then urlstr="top.location.href='"&url&"';"
 if url="-1" then urlstr="history.go(-1);"
 if not isNul(str) then str ="alert('"&str&"');"
End Sub
Sub echoMsgAndGo(str,timenum)
 echo str&",稍后将自动返回<script language=""javascript"">setTimeout(""goLastPage()"","&timenum*1000&");function goLastPage(){history.go(-1);}</script>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='"&sitePath&"/' target='_self'>进入网站"&str_01&"</a>"&" Powered By "&setting.siteTitle
End Sub

'str 提示信息
Sub selectMsg(str,url1,url2)
End Sub

Sub echo(str)
End Sub

Sub die(str)
 if not isNul(str) then
  echo str
 end if 
End Sub

Function rCookie(cookieName)
End Function

Sub wCookie(cookieName,cookieValue)
End Sub

Sub wCookieInTime(cookieName,cookieValue,dateType,dateNum)
End Sub

Function isNul(str)
 if isnull(str) or str=""  then isNul=true else isNul=false
End Function

Function isNum(str)
 if not isNul(str) then  isNum=isnumeric(str) else isNum=false
End Function

Function isUrl(str)
 if not isNul(str) and left(str,7)="http://" then isUrl=true
End Function

'iif 条件判断
Function iif(a,b,c)
 if a then
 end if
End Function

Function getFileFormat(str)
 dim ext : str=trim(""&str) : ext=""
 if str<>"" then
  if instr(" "&str,"?")>0 then:str=mid(str,1,instr(str,"?")-1):end if
  if instrRev(str,".")>0 then:ext=mid(str,instrRev(str,".")):end if
 end if
End Function

Function convertString(Str)
 Dim strChar,intAsc,strTmp,i
 For i = 1 To Len(Str)
      strChar = Mid(Str, i, 1)
      intAsc = Asc(strChar)
      If (intAsc>=-23648 And intAsc<=-23553) Then
         strTmp = strTmp & Chr(intAsc+23680)
         strTmp = strTmp & strChar
      End if   
End Function

Sub echoErr(byval str,byval id, byval des)       

        dim errstr,cssstr
  cssstr="<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset="&Charset&""" />"
        cssstr=cssstr&"<style>body{text-align:center}#msg{background-color:white;border:1px solid #0073B0;margin:0 auto;width:400px;text-align:left}.msgtitle{padding:3px 3px;color:white;font-weight:700;line-height:28px;height30px;font-size:12px;border-bottom:1px solid #0073B0; text-indent:3px; background-color:#0073B0}#msgbody{font-size:12px;padding:20px 8px 30px;line-height:25px}#msgbottom{text-align:center;height:20px;line-height:20px;font-size:12px;background-color:#0073B0;color:#FFFFFF}</style>"
        errstr=cssstr&"<script language=""javascript"">setTimeout(""goLastPage()"",5000);function goLastPage(){location.href='"& sitePath &"/';}</script><div id='msg'><div class='msgtitle'>提示:【"&str&"】</div><div id='msgbody'>错误号:"&id&"<br>错误描述:"&des&"<br /><a href=""javascript:history.go(-1);"">返回上一页</a>&nbsp;<a href="""& sitePath &"/"">返回首页</a></div><div id='msgbottom'>汇卓网络</div></div>"
End Sub

Sub echoInstallErr(byval str,byval id, byval des)
        dim errstr,cssstr
  cssstr="<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=utf-8"" />"
        cssstr=cssstr&"<style>body{text-align:center}#msg{background-color:white;border:1px solid #0073B0;margin:0 auto;width:400px;text-align:left}.msgtitle{padding:3px 3px;color:white;font-weight:700;line-height:28px;height30px;font-size:12px;border-bottom:1px solid #0073B0; text-indent:3px; background-color:#0073B0}#msgbody{font-size:12px;padding:20px 8px 30px;line-height:25px}#msgbottom{text-align:center;height:20px;line-height:20px;font-size:12px;background-color:#0073B0;color:#FFFFFF}</style>"
  errstr=cssstr&"<div id='msg'><div class='msgtitle'>提示:【"&str&"】</div><div id='msgbody'>错误号:"&id&"<br>错误描述:"&des&"<br />&nbsp;<a href="""&getWebSite&"/install/"">立即安装</a></div><div id='msgbottom'>汇卓网络</div></div>"
End Sub

Function getForm(element,ftype)
 Select case ftype
  case "get"
  case "post"
  case "both"
   if isNul(request.QueryString(element)) then getForm=trim(request.Form(element)) else getForm=trim(request.QueryString(element))
 End Select 
End Function

Function isInstallObj(objname)
 dim isInstall,obj
 On Error Resume Next
 set obj=server.CreateObject(objname)
 if Err then
  isInstallObj=false : err.clear
  isInstallObj=true:set obj=nothing
 end if
End Function

Sub setStartTime()
End Sub

Sub echoRunTime()
 echo pageRunStr(0)&FormatNumber((endTime-startTime),4,-1)&pageRunStr(1)&conn.queryCount&pageRunStr(2)
End Sub

Function replaceStr(Byval str,Byval finStr,Byval repStr)
 on error resume next
 if isNull(repStr) then repStr=""
 if err then replaceStr="" : err.clear
End Function

Function replaceStrReg(Byval str,Byval finStr,Byval repStr)
 on error resume next
 dim regEx
 Set regEx = New RegExp
 regEx.Pattern = finStr
 regEx.IgnoreCase = True 
 regEx.Global = True
 replaceStrReg = regEx.Replace(str, repStr)
 Set regEx = Nothing
 if err then replaceStr="" : err.clear
End Function

Function getArrayElementID(Byval parray,Byval itemid,Byval compareValue)
 dim i
 for  i=0 to ubound(parray,2)
  if trim(parray(itemid,i))=trim(compareValue) then
   Exit Function
  end if
End Function

Function trimOuter(Byval str)
 dim vstr : vstr=str
 if left(vstr,1)=chr(32) then vstr=right(vstr,len(vstr)-1)
 if right(vstr,1)=chr(32) then  vstr=left(vstr,len(vstr)-1)
End Function

Function trimOuterStr(Byval str,Byval flag)
 dim vstr,m : vstr=str : m=len(flag)
 if left(vstr,m)=flag then vstr=right(vstr,len(vstr)-m)
 if right(vstr,m)=flag then  vstr=left(vstr,len(vstr)-m)
End Function

Function getPageSize(Byval str,Byval ptype)
 dim regObj,matchChannel,matchesChannel,sizeValue
 set regObj=New RegExp
 set matchesChannel=regObj.Execute(str)
 for each matchChannel in matchesChannel
  sizeValue=matchChannel.SubMatches(0) : if isNul(sizeValue) then sizeValue=10
  set regObj=nothing
  set matchesChannel=nothing
  Exit Function
End Function

Function dropHtml(Byval strHTML)
 if isnul(strHTML) then
  exit Function
 end if
 Dim objRegExp, Match, Matches
 Set objRegExp = New Regexp
 objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
 objRegExp.Global = True
 objRegExp.Pattern = "<.+?>"
 Set Matches = objRegExp.Execute(strHTML)
 ' 遍历匹配集合,并替换掉匹配的项目
 For Each Match in Matches
 Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Function

Function filterStr(Byval str,Byval filtertype)
 if isNul(str) then  filterStr="" : Exit Function
 dim regObj, outstr,rulestr : set regObj=New Regexp
 regObj.IgnoreCase=true : regObj.Global=true
 Select case filtertype
  case "html" 
  case "jsiframe"
 end Select
 outstr=regObj.Replace(str, "")
 set regObj=Nothing : filterStr=outstr
End Function

Function getAgent()
End Function

Function getRefer()
End Function

Function getServername()
End Function

Function isOutSubmit()
 dim server1, server2
 if Mid(server1, 8, len(server2)) <> server2 then
 end if
End Function

Function getIp()
 dim forwardFor
 if getIp="" then getIp=request.servervariables("Remote_Addr")  
 getIp=filterPara(replace(getIp, chr(39), ""))
End Function

Function urlDecode(ByVal sUrl)
 Dim i,c,ts,b,lc,t,n:ts="":b=false:lc=""
 for i=1 to len(sUrl)
  if c="+" then
   ts=ts & " "
  elseif c="%" then
   t=mid(sUrl,i+1,2):n=cint("&H" & t)
   if b then
    b=false:ts=ts & chr(cint("&H" & lc & t))
    if abs(n)<=127 then
     ts=ts & chr(n)
    end if
   end if
   ts=ts & c
  end if
End Function

Function urlEncode(ByVal sUrl)
 if InStr(" "&sUrl,"?")>0 then
  dim ts,i,l,s:ts=Split(Mid(sUrl,InStr(sUrl,"?")+1),"&"):l=UBound(ts)
  for i=0 to l
   if InStr(" "&ts(i),"=")>0 then
    if s(1)<>"" then
     if InStr(" "&s(1),"%") then:s(1)=urldecode(s(1)):end if
    end if
   end if
 end if
End Function

dim gXmlHttpVer
Function getXmlHttpVer()
 dim i,xmlHttpVersions,xmlHttpVersion
 xmlHttpVersions=Array("Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0")
 for i=0 to ubound(xmlHttpVersions)
  if isInstallObj(xmlHttpVersion) then getXmlHttpVer=xmlHttpVersion:gXmlHttpVer=xmlHttpVersion: Exit Function
End Function

Function tryXmlHttp()
 dim i,ah:ah=array("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.5.0","MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP","MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.2.0","MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0","MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0","MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0","Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0","MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0")
 On Error Resume Next
 for i=0 to UBound(ah)
  SET tryXmlHttp=Server.CreateObject(ah(i))
  if err.number=0 then:gXmlHttpVer=ah(i):tryXmlHttp.setTimeouts 2000,20000,20000,180000:err.clear:Exit Function:else:err.clear:end if
End Function

dim gXmlHttpObj
Function getRemoteContent(Byval url,Byval returnType)
 if not isObject(gXmlHttpObj) then:set gXmlHttpObj=tryXmlHttp():end if
 url=urlencode(url) "GET",url,False
 On error resume next
 if err.number = -2147012894 then
  dim des
  select case gXmlHttpObj.readyState
   Case 1:des="解析域名或连接远程服务器"
   Case 2:des="发送请求"
   Case 3:des="接收数据"
   Case else:des="未知阶段"
  end select
  die gXmlHttpVer&"组件<br />在请求 “"&url&"”时<br />发生" + des + " 超时错误,请重试.如果问题还没解决,请联系你的服务商"
  select case returnType
   case "text"
   case "body"
  end select
 end if
End Function

Function bytesToStr(Byval responseBody,Byval strCharSet)
 with objStream
  .Mode =3
  .Write responseBody
 End With
End Function

Function computeStrLen(Byval str)
 dim strlen,charCount,i,an
 for i=1 to charCount
  if an < 0 or an >255 then  
   strlen=strlen + 2
   strlen=strlen + 1
  end if
End Function

Function getStrByLen(Byval str, Byval strlen)
 dim vStrlen,charCount,i,an
 if isNul(str) then Exit Function  
 for i=1 to charCount
  if an < 0 or an >255 then
   vStrlen=vStrlen + 2
   vStrlen=vStrlen + 1
  end if
  if vStrlen >= strlen then getStrByLen=left(str,i):Exit Function
End Function

Function encodeHtml(Byval str)
 IF len(str)=0 OR Trim(str)="" then exit function
End Function

Function decodeHtml(Byval str)
 IF len(str)=0 OR Trim(str)="" or isNull(str) then exit function
  str=replace(str,"&#160;"," ")
End Function

Function decode(str)
if isnul(str) then exit function
 dim strdecode
End Function

Function encode(str)
 dim strdecode
End Function

Function filterDirty(content)
 dim dirtyStrArray,i
 for i=0 to ubound(dirtyStrArray)
End Function

Function timeToStr(Byval t)
 t=Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(t,"-",""),":","")," ",""),"/","") : timeToStr=t
End Function

Function makePageNumber(Byval currentPage,Byval pageListLen,Byval totalPages,Byval linkType,Byval sortid, Byval showType)  
 dim beforePages,pagenumber,page
 dim beginPage,endPage,strPageNumber
 if pageListLen mod 2 = 0 then beforePages = pagelistLen / 2 else beforePages = clng(pagelistLen / 2) - 1
 if  currentPage < 1  then currentPage = 1 else if currentPage > totalPages then currentPage = totalPages
 if pageListLen > totalPages then pageListLen=totalPages
 if currentPage - beforePages < 1 then
  beginPage = 1 : endPage = pageListLen
 elseif currentPage - beforePages + pageListLen > totalPages  then
  beginPage = totalPages - pageListLen + 1 : endPage = totalPages
  beginPage = currentPage - beforePages : endPage = currentPage - beforePages + pageListLen - 1
 end if 
' die currentPage
 for pagenumber = beginPage  to  endPage
  if pagenumber=1 then page = "" else page = pagenumber
  if pagenumber=currentPage then
   if linkType="commentlist" then
   end if   
   if showType="tags" then
    strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href=""?page="&pagenumber&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"   
   elseif showType="taglist" then   
    dim tag
    strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href=""?page="&pagenumber&"&tag="&tag&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>" 
   elseif linkType="list" then  
    if runMode=1 then     
     if pagenumber>1 then
      strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href="""&replace(showType, "{page}", pagenumber)&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"
      strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href="""&replace(showType, "{page}", pagenumber)&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"
     end if
     if pagenumber>1 then
      strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href=""?"&sortid&"_1"&FileExt&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"
     end if
    end if
   elseif linkType="userbuylist" then  
      strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href=""?page="& pagenumber&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"
   elseif linkType="about" then
    if runMode=1 then
     if pagenumber>1 then
      strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href="""&showType&"_"&pagenumber&FileExt&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"
      strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href="""&showType&""&FileExt&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"     
     end if    
     if pagenumber>1 then
      strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href=""?"&sortid&"_"&pagenumber&FileExt&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"
      strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href=""?"&sortid&""&FileExt&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"     
     end if
    end if
   elseif linkType="gbooklist" then
    strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href=""?"&sortid&"_"&pagenumber&FileExt&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>" 
   elseif linkType="searchlist" then
    dim searchtype,keys
    strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href=""?page="&pagenumber&"&keys="&keys&"&searchtype="&searchtype&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"
   elseif linkType="commentlist" then
    strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href=""javascript:pager("&sortid&","&pagenumber&")"">"&pagenumber&"</a>"   
    if sortid="" then
     strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href=""?"&linkType&"_"&pagenumber&FileExt&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"
     if pagenumber>1 then
      strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href="""&sortid&"_"&linkType&"_"&pagenumber&FileExt&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"
      strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href="""&sortid&"_"&linkType&FileExt&""">"&pagenumber&"</a>"     
     end if
    end if
   end if
  end if 
End Function

'分页中部 后台使用
Function makePageNumber_(Byval currentPage,Byval pageListLen,Byval totalPages,Byval linkType,Byval sortid, Byval order, Byval keyword)
 dim beforePages,pagenumber,page
 dim beginPage,endPage,strPageNumber
 if pageListLen mod 2 = 0 then beforePages = pagelistLen / 2 else beforePages = clng(pagelistLen / 2) - 1
 if  currentPage < 1  then currentPage = 1 else if currentPage > totalPages then currentPage = totalPages
 if pageListLen > totalPages then pageListLen=totalPages
 if currentPage - beforePages < 1 then
  beginPage = 1 : endPage = pageListLen
 elseif currentPage - beforePages + pageListLen > totalPages  then
  beginPage = totalPages - pageListLen + 1 : endPage = totalPages
  beginPage = currentPage - beforePages : endPage = currentPage - beforePages + pageListLen - 1
 end if 
' die currentPage
 for pagenumber = beginPage  to  endPage
  if pagenumber=1 then page = "" else page = pagenumber
  if pagenumber=currentPage then
   if linkType="newslist" then
    'if runMode="0" then
     strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href='?sortType="&sortType&"&sortid="&sortid&"&keyword="&keyword&"&page="&pagenumber&"&psize="&psize&"&order="&order&"&ordsc="&ordsc&"'>"&pagenumber&"</a>"
    'elseif runMode="1" then
    ' if pagenumber>1 then strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href='"&sortid&"_"&pagenumber&FileExt&"'>"&pagenumber&"</a>&nbsp;" : else strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href='"&sortid&FileExt&"'>"&pagenumber&"</a>&nbsp;"
    'end if
   elseif linkType="guestlist" then
    strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href='?page="&pagenumber&"'>"&pagenumber&"</a>"      
    if sortid="" then
     strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href='?Sort="&linkType&"&Page="&pagenumber&"'>"&pagenumber&"</a>"
     strPageNumber=strPageNumber&"<a href='?Sort="&linkType&"&ID="&sortid&"&Page="&pagenumber&"'>"&pagenumber&"</a>"
    end if
   end if
  end if 
End Function

Function pageNumberLinkInfo(Byval currentPage,Byval pageListLen,Byval totalPages,Byval linkType,Byval sortid, Byval showType)
 dim pageNumber,pagesStr,i,pageNumberInfo,firstPageLink,lastPagelink,nextPagelink,finalPageLink,p,jumppagelink,currentpagestr
 dim searchtype,keys,tag,strPageNumber
 if currentPage=1 then 
  firstPageLink="" : lastPagelink="<a class='pre'>"&str_03&"</a>"
  if linkType="gbooklist" then
   firstPageLink="" : lastPagelink="<a href='?"&sortid&"_"&currentPage-1&FileExt&"'>"&str_03&"</a>"
  elseif linkType="userbuylist" then
   firstPageLink="" : lastPagelink="<a href='?page="&currentPage-1&"'>"&str_03&"</a>"
  elseif linkType="searchlist" then
   firstPageLink="" : lastPagelink="<a href='?page="&currentPage-1&"&keys="&keys&"&searchtype="&searchtype&"'>"&str_03&"</a>"
  elseif showType="tags" then
   firstPageLink="" : lastPagelink="<a href='?page="&currentPage-1&"'>"&str_03&"</a>"
  elseif showType="taglist" then
   firstPageLink="" : lastPagelink="<a href='?page="&currentPage-1&"&tag="&tag&"'>"&str_03&"</a>"
   if runMode=0 then
    firstPageLink="" : if currentPage>2 then lastPagelink="<a class='pre' href='?"&sortid&"_"&currentPage-1&FileExt&"'>"&str_03&"</a>" : else lastPagelink="<a class='pre' href='?"&sortid&"_1"&FileExt&"'>"&str_03&"</a>"
    firstPageLink="<a href='"&replace(showType, "{page}", 1)&"'>"&str_01&"</a>" : if currentPage>2 then lastPagelink="<a href='"&replace(showType, "{page}", currentPage-1)&"'>"&str_03&"</a>" : else lastPagelink="<a href='"&replace(showType, "{page}", 1)&"'>"&str_03&"</a>"
   end if   
  end if
 end if
 if linkType<>"gbooklist" and linkType<>"userbuylist" and linkType<>"searchlist" and showType<>"tags" and showType<>"taglist" then
  jumppagelink=str_17&" <SELECT NAME=""select"" ONCHANGE=""var jmpURL=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value ; if(jmpURL!='') {window.location=jmpURL;} else {this.selectedIndex=0 ;}"" >"
  for p=1 to totalPages
   if currentPage=p then currentpagestr=" selected=selected"
   if runMode=0 then
    jumppagelink=jumppagelink&"<option value=?"&sortid&"_"&p&FileExt&"  "&currentpagestr&">"&p&"</option>"
    jumppagelink=jumppagelink&"<option value="&replace(showType, "{page}", p)&" "&currentpagestr&">"&p&"</option>"
   end if 
 end if
 if currentPage=totalPages then
  nextPagelink="<a class='next'>"&str_04&"</a>" : finalPageLink=""
  if linkType="gbooklist" then
   nextPagelink="<a class='next' href='?"&sortid&"_"&currentPage+1&FileExt&"'>"&str_04&"</a>" : finalPageLink="<a href='?"&sortid&"_"&totalPages&FileExt&"'>"&str_02&"</a>"
  elseif linkType="searchlist" then
   nextPagelink="<a class='next' href='?page="&currentPage+1&"&keys="&keys&"&searchtype="&searchtype&"'>"&str_04&"</a>" : finalPageLink="<a href='?page="&totalPages&"&keys="&keys&"&searchtype="&searchtype&"'>"&str_02&"</a>"
  elseif linkType="userbuylist" then
   nextPagelink="<a href='?page="&currentPage+1&"'>"&str_04&"</a>" : finalPageLink="<a href='?page="&totalPages&"'>"&str_02&"</a>"
  elseif showType="tags" then
   nextPagelink="<a href='?page="&currentPage+1&"'>"&str_04&"</a>" : finalPageLink="<a href='?page="&totalPages&"'>"&str_02&"</a>"
  elseif showType="taglist" then
   nextPagelink="<a href='?page="&currentPage+1&"&tag="&tag&"'>"&str_04&"</a>" : finalPageLink="<a href='?page="&totalPages&"&tag="&tag&"'>"&str_02&"</a>"
   if runMode=0 then
    nextPagelink="<a class='next' href='?"&sortid&"_"&currentPage+1&FileExt&"'>"&str_04&"</a>" : finalPageLink="<a href='?"&sortid&"_"&totalPages&FileExt&"'>"&str_02&"</a>"
    nextPagelink="<a class='next' href='"&replace(showType, "{page}", currentPage+1)&"'>"&str_04&"</a>" : finalPageLink=""
   end if
  end if 
 end if
End Function

Function isExistStr(str,findstr)
 if isNul(str) or isNul(findstr) then isExistStr=false:Exit Function
 if instr(str,findstr)>0 then isExistStr=true else isExistStr=false
End Function

Function getSubStrByFromAndEnd(str,startStr,endStr,operType)
 dim location1,location2
 select case operType
  case "start"
  case "end"
  case else
 end select
End Function

Function formatDate(Byval t,Byval ftype) 
 dim y, m, d, h, mi, s
 If IsDate(t)=False Then Exit Function
 If len(m)=1 Then m="0" & m
 If len(d)=1 Then d="0" & d
 h = cstr(hour(t))
 If len(h)=1 Then h="0" & h
 mi = cstr(minute(t))
 If len(mi)=1 Then mi="0" & mi
 s = cstr(second(t))
 If len(s)=1 Then s="0" & s

 select case ftype
  case "1"
   ' yyyy-mm-dd
   formatDate=y & "-" & m & "-" & d
  case "2"  
   ' yy-mm-dd
   formatDate=right(y,2) & "-" & m & "-" & d
  case "3"  
   ' mm-dd
   formatDate=m & "-" & d
  case "4"
   ' yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
   formatDate=y & "-" & m & "-" & d & " " & h & ":" & mi & ":" & s
  case "5"
   ' hh:mm:ss
   formatDate=h & ":" & mi & ":" & s
  case "6"
   ' yyyy年mm月dd日
   formatDate=y & "年" & m & "月" & d & "日"
  case "7"
   ' yyyymmdd
   formatDate=y & m & d
  case "8"
   formatDate=y & m & d & h & mi & s
  case "9"
   formatDate=m & " / " & y
  case else
   ftype = replace(ftype, "yy", y) '年
   ftype = replace(ftype, "y", right(y,2)) '年
   ftype = replace(ftype, "mi", mi) '分
   ftype = replace(ftype, "h", h) '分
   ftype = replace(ftype, "s", s) '分
   ftype = replace(ftype, "m", m) '月
   ftype = replace(ftype, "d", d) '日
   formatDate = ftype
 end select

End Function

Function filterPara(byVal Para)
End Function

Function preventSqlin(content)

 dim sqlStr,sqlArray,i,speStr

 if isNul(content) then Exit Function
 for i=lbound(sqlArray) to ubound(sqlArray)
  if instr(lcase(content),sqlArray(i))<>0 then
    select case sqlArray(i)
     case "<":speStr="&lt;"
     case ">":speStr="&gt;"
     case "'","""":speStr="&quot;"
     'case ";":speStr=";"
     case else:speStr=""
    end select
  end if
 dim num
 for i=lbound(sqlArray) to ubound(sqlArray)
  if instr(lcase(content),sqlArray(i))<>0 then
  end if
 if num=1 then
 end if
End Function

Function checkxss(byVal ChkStr)
    dim Str,re
    Str = ChkStr
    if IsNull(Str) then  Checkxss = "" : Exit Function
    Str = Replace(Str, "&", "&amp;") : Str = Replace(Str, "'", "&acute;") : Str = Replace(Str, """", "&quot;") : Str = Replace(Str, "<", "&lt;") : Str = Replace(Str, ">", "&gt;") : Str = Replace(Str, "/", "&#47;") : Str = Replace(Str, "*", "&#42;")
    Set re = New RegExp
    re.IgnoreCase = True : re.Global = True
    re.Pattern = "(w)(here)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1h&#101;re")
 re.Pattern = "(s)(elect)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1el&#101;ct")
 re.Pattern = "(i)(nsert)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1ns&#101;rt")
 re.Pattern = "(c)(reate)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1r&#101;ate")
 re.Pattern = "(d)(rop)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1ro&#112;")
 re.Pattern = "(a)(lter)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1lt&#101;r")
 re.Pattern = "(d)(elete)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1el&#101;te")
 re.Pattern = "(u)(pdate)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1p&#100;ate")
 re.Pattern = "(\s)(or)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1o&#114;")
 re.Pattern = "(java)(script)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1scri&#112;t")
 re.Pattern = "(j)(script)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1scri&#112;t")
 re.Pattern = "(vb)(script)" : Str = re.Replace(Str, "$1scri&#112;t")
 If Instr(Str, "expression") > 0 Then Str = Replace(Str, "expression", "e&#173;xpression", 1, -1, 0)
    Set re = Nothing
    Checkxss = Str
End Function

Function getTopId(byval SortID)
    dim sqlStr,rsObj,ChildArray,i
 sqlStr= "select SortID,SortPath from {prefix}Sort where ParentID=0"

 set rsObj = conn.Exec(sqlStr,"r1")
 do while not rsObj.eof
  for i=0 to ubound (ChildArray)
      if cint(ChildArray(i))=cint(SortID) then GetTopId=rsObj(0) : exit for : exit do
 set rsObj = nothing
End Function


Function makeqtType(topId,separateStr,classname)
 dim sqlStr,rsObj,selectedStr,qtstr,qtspan
 sqlStr= "select SortID,SortName,SortStyle from {prefix}Sort where SortStatus and ParentID="&topId&" order by SortID asc"
 set rsObj = conn.Exec(sqlStr,"r1")
 do while not rsObj.eof
   if runMode="0" then
    qtstr = qtstr + "<div class='"&classname&"'>"&qtspan&"<a href='"&sitePath&"/productlist/?"&rsObj("SortID")&"_1.html'>"&rsObj("SortName")&"</a></div>"
   elseif runMode="1" then
    qtstr = qtstr + "<div class='"&classname&"'>"&qtspan&"<a href='"&sitePath&"/productlist/"&rsObj("SortID")&".html'>"&rsObj("SortName")&"</a></div>"
   end if
  makeqtType rsObj("SortID"),separateStr,classname
 if not isNul(qtspan) then qtspan = left(qtspan,len(qtspan)-len(separateStr))
 set rsObj = nothing
End Function

Sub makeTypeOption(topId,separateStr,compareValue,sortid)
 dim sqlStr,rsObj,selectedStr
 sqlStr= "select ID,SortName from {prefix}Sort where ParentID="&topId&" and IsOut=0 order by ID asc"
 set rsObj = conn.Exec(sqlStr,"r1")
 do while not rsObj.eof
     if rsObj("ID")=compareValue then selectedStr=" selected" else selectedStr=""
  print "<option value='"&rsObj("ID")&"' "&selectedStr&">"&span&"&nbsp;|—"&rsObj("SortName")&"</option>"
  makeTypeOption rsObj("ID"),separateStr,compareValue,sortid
 if not isNul(span) then span = left(span,len(span)-len(separateStr))
 set rsObj = nothing
End Sub

Function hasChild(TableName,ClassID)
 Dim HasChild_SQL : HasChild_SQL="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ["&TableName&"] WHERE [ParentID]="&ClassID
 Dim HasChild_Rs  : Set HasChild_Rs=conn.Exec(HasChild_SQL,"r1")
 Dim Has
 IF HasChild_Rs(0)>0 Then
 End IF
 HasChild_Rs.Close : Set HasChild_Rs=Nothing
End Function

Function getSmallestChild(TableName,ClassID)
 Dim Str
 IF HasChild(TableName,ClassID) Then
 End IF
End Function

Function getSmallestChild_Sub(TableName,ClassID,TmpStr)
 IF HasChild(TableName,ClassID) Then
  Dim GetSmallestChild_Sub_SQL : GetSmallestChild_Sub_SQL="SELECT [SortID] FROM ["&TableName&"] WHERE [ParentID]="&ClassID
  Dim GetSmallestChild_Sub_Rs  : Set GetSmallestChild_Sub_Rs=conn.Exec(GetSmallestChild_Sub_SQL,"r1")
  While Not (GetSmallestChild_Sub_Rs.Eof Or GetSmallestChild_Sub_Rs.Bof)
   Dim TmpClassID : TmpClassID=GetSmallestChild_Sub_Rs(0)
   IF HasChild(TableName,TmpClassID) Then
   End IF
 End IF
End Function

'获取当前类下所有子类 allsub 1带父级,0所有最小类
Function getSubSort(sortID, allsub)
 getSubSort=getSubSorts(sortID, allsub)
End Function

Function getSubSorts(sortID, allsub)
 dim rs, sql
 sql="select (select count(*) from {prefix}Sort where ParentID in ("&sortID&")), * from {prefix}Sort where ParentID in("&sortID&")"
 set rs=conn.exec(sql, "exe")
 'echo sql &"<br>"
 if rs.eof then
  if allsub=1 then getSubSorts=sortID&","
  do while not rs.eof
   getSubSorts=getSubSorts&getSubSorts(rs("sortID"), allsub)
 end if
End Function

function getCheck(cValue)
 if isnul(cValue) then
 elseif cValue="1" then
 end if 
end function

Function repnull(str)
'echo str
'echo "<br>"
 if isnul(str) then repnull=""
End Function

Function getStr(Stat,str1,str2)
 if Stat=1 then
 end if
End Function

Function getPageName()
 Dim fileName,arrName,postion
 If InStr(fileName,"?")>0 Then
 End If
End Function

Function CheckAdmin(filename)
 if isnul(Session("adminName")) then
  dim Permissions,padmin
  padmin = Session("GroupSort")
  if padmin<>"all" and isnul(Permissions) then

  elseif padmin="all" then
   exit function
   dim rsObj,i
   set rsObj=conn.exec("select MenuID from {prefix}Menu where MenuLink like '%"&filename&"%'","r1")
   'die "select MenuID from {prefix}Menu where MenuLink like '%"&filename&"%'"
   if not rsObj.eof then

    for i=0 to ubound(Permissions)
     if cstr(trim(Permissions(i)))=cstr(trim(rsObj(0))) then exit function    
   end if
  end if
 end if
 if not isnum(Session("adminrand")) then alertMsgAndGoParent"您没有访问权限","-1" end if
 sql = "select count(*) from {prefix}User where LoginName = '"& Session("adminName") &"' and adminrand='"&Session("adminrand")&"'"
 Dim rscoo : Set rscoo=Conn.Exec(sql,"r1")
 if rscoo(0)<>1 then
 end if
End Function

Function checkLogin()
 if isnul(Session("adminName")) or Session("adminName")="" then
  dim Permissions
  'die Permissions
  if Permissions<>"all" and isnul(Permissions) then
  end if
 end if
 dim sql
 if not isnum(Session("adminrand")) then alertMsgAndGo"2您没有访问权限","-1" end if
 sql = "select count(*) from {prefix}User where LoginName = '"& Session("adminName") &"' and adminrand='"&Session("adminrand")&"'"
 Dim rscoo : Set rscoo=Conn.Exec(sql,"r1")
 if rscoo(0)<>1 then
 end if
End Function

Function getImgFromText(strng)
 Dim regEx, Match, Matches '建立变量。
 Set regEx = New RegExp '建立正则表达式。 
 regEx.Pattern = "(<)(.[^<]*)(src=)('|"&CHR(34)&"| )?(.[^'|\s|"&CHR(34)&"]*)(\.)(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)('|"&CHR(34)&"|\s|>)(.[^>]*)(>)" '设置模式。  
 regEx.IgnoreCase = true '设置是否区分字符大小写。
 regEx.Global = True '设置全局可用性。
 Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strng) '执行搜索。
 For Each Match in Matches '遍历匹配集合。
 RegExpExecute = values
End Function

Function getDataCount(sqlStr)
End Function

Function loadSelect(selName,tableName,fieldText,fieldValue,selected, ParentID,strOrder,topText)
 echo "<select name="""& selName &""" id="""& selName &""">" & vbcr & "<option value=""0"">"&topText&"</option>"& vbcr
 makeOption tableName,fieldText,fieldValue,selected,strOrder,ParentID
 echo "</select>" & vbcr
End Function

Function makeOption(tableName,fieldText,fieldValue,selected,strOrder,ParentID)
 Dim rs ,sel
  set rs =conn.Exec ("select ["&fieldValue&"],["&fieldText&"],ParentID,SortLevel,(select count(*) from {prefix}Sort where ParentID=t.SortID) as c from "&tableName&" as t where  LanguageID="&session("languageID")&" and ParentID="&ParentID&" "&strOrder,"r1")
 Do While Not rs.Eof 
  IF CSTR(selected)=CSTR(rs(0)) Then sel = "selected=""selected""" else sel="" end if
  dim rscount:rscount=0  
  echo "<option value="""& rs(0) &""" "&sel&">"&getLevel_(rs(3))&rs(1) &"</option>" & vbcr
  if rs(4)>0 then
   makeOption = makeOption & makeOption(tableName,fieldText,fieldValue,selected,strOrder,rs(0))
  end if
 rs.Close : Set rs=Nothing
End Function

function getLevel(num)
 if not isnum(num) then  exit Function
 dim i
 for i=2 to num
  getLevel=getLevel&"<img src=""../../images/01.gif""/>"
 if num<>"1" then getLevel=getLevel&"<img src=""../../images/02.gif""/>" 
end function

function getLevel_(num)
 if not isnum(num) then  exit Function
 dim i
 for i=2 to num
 if num<>"1" then getLevel_=getLevel_&"┝" 
end function


Function getTodayVisits
 getTodayVisits=conn.Exec("select sum(Visits) from {prefix}Visits where year(AddTime)="&Year(date)&" and month(AddTime)="&month(date)&" and day(AddTime)="&day(date),"r1")(0)
 if isnul(getTodayVisits) then getTodayVisits=0
End Function

Function getYesterdayVisits
 getYesterdayVisits=conn.Exec("select sum(Visits) from {prefix}Visits where year(AddTime)="&Year(DateAdd("d",-1,date))&" and month(AddTime)="&month(DateAdd("d",-1,date))&" and day(AddTime)="&day(DateAdd("d",-1,date)),"r1")(0)
 if isnul(getYesterdayVisits) then getYesterdayVisits=0
End Function

Function getMonthVisits
 getMonthVisits=conn.Exec("select sum(Visits) from {prefix}Visits where year(AddTime)="&Year(date)&" and month(AddTime)="&month(date),"r1")(0) 
 if isnul(getMonthVisits) then getMonthVisits=0
End Function

Function getAllVisits
 getAllVisits=conn.Exec("select sum(Visits) from {prefix}Visits","r1")(0)
 if isnul(getAllVisits) then getAllVisits=0
End Function

Function getExtend(fileName)
   GetExtend = Mid(fileName,Instr(fileName,".")+1,Len(fileName)-Instr(fileName,"."))
End Function

Function getTemplateFile(Byval sortID,Byval str,Byval sStyle)
 getTemplateFile=conn.exec("select SortTemplate from {prefix}Sort where SortID="&SortID ,"r1")(0)
 if isnul(getTemplateFile) then
  if str="" then
   if sStyle=1 then  
   elseif sStyle=2 then
   end if
  end if
 end if
End Function

Function checkTemplateFile(Byval fileName)
 if isExistFile(fileName)then CheckTemplateFile=true
End Function

Function ipHide(ipstr)
 dim t,ipx,ipfb
 if not isnull(ipstr) then
  t = 0
  ipfb = split(ipstr, ".",4)
  for t = 0 to 2
   ipx = ipx&ipfb(t)&"."
  ipHide = ipx&"*"
 end if
end Function


Function userGroupSelect(selName, selOption, usertype)
 dim selStr
 if isnul(selOption) then selOption=0
 selStr= "<select name="""&selName&""" id="""&selName&""">" & vbcr
 Dim rs ,sel
  set rs =Conn.Exec ("select [GroupID],[GroupName] from {prefix}UserGroup where IsAdmin="&usertype&" order by GroupOrder", "r1")
  Do While Not rs.Eof 
   IF CSTR(selOption)=CSTR(rs(0)) Then sel = "selected=""selected""" else sel="" end if
   selStr=selStr& "<option value="""& rs(0) &""" "&sel&">"&rs(1) &"</option>" & vbcr
  rs.Close : Set rs=Nothing
 selStr=selStr& "</select>" & vbcr
end Function

Function viewNoRight(GroupID, Exclusive)
    Dim rs, sql, GroupMark
    Set rs =Conn.Exec("select GroupMark from {prefix}UserGroup where GroupID="&GroupID,"r1")
    if not  rs.eof then
  GroupMark = rs("GroupMark")
 end if
    Set rs = Nothing
    viewNoRight = True
    If session("GroupMark") = "" Then session("GroupMark") = 0
    select case Exclusive
        case ">="
            If Not session("GroupMark") >= GroupMark Then
                viewNoRight = False
            End If
        case "="
            If Not session("GroupMark") = GroupMark Then
                viewNoRight = False
            End If
    end select
End Function

'actiontype (del, on, off)
Sub onOff(actionType, tabName, idField, upField, whereStr, url)
 dim id : id=getForm("id","both")
 if isnul(id) then alertMsgAndGo "请选择要操作的内容","-1"

 if actionType="on" then
  conn.exec "update {prefix}"&tabName&" set "&upField&"=1 where "&idField&" in("&id&") "&whereStr,"exe"
  dim ids,i
  if tabName="UserGroup" then  
   for i=0 to ubound(ids)
    if ids(i)>4 then  conn.exec "update {prefix}"&tabName&" set "&upField&"=0 where "&idField&"="&ids(i)&" "&whereStr,"exe"
  elseif tabName="User" then
   for i=0 to ubound(ids)
    if ids(i)>1 then conn.exec "update {prefix}"&tabName&" set "&upField&"=0 where "&idField&"="&ids(i)&" "&whereStr,"exe"
   conn.exec "update {prefix}"&tabName&" set "&upField&"=0 where "&idField&" in("&id&") "&whereStr,"exe"
  end if
 end if
 response.Redirect url
End Sub

Function makeSortTypeSelect(selName, selOption, events)
 dim selStr, types, i, sel
 types=split(sortTypes, ",") 
 if isnul(selOption) then selOption=0
 selStr= "<select name="""&selName&""" id="""&selName&""" "&events&">" & vbcr
 for i=0 to ubound(types)    
  if cstr(trim(selOption))=cstr(trim(i+1)) Then sel = "selected=""selected""" else sel="" end if
  selStr=selStr& "<option value="""& i+1 &""" "&sel&">"&types(i)&"</option>" & vbcr
 selStr=selStr& "</select>" & vbcr
End Function

Function groupMenuChecked(menus_, mid_) 
 dim i, menus
 if menus_="all" then
 elseif not isnul(menus_) then 
  menus=split(menus_, ",")
  for i=0 to ubound(menus)

   if  cstr(trim(menus(i)))=cstr(trim(mid_)) then groupMenuChecked="checked=""checked""" : exit for
 end if
End Function

Function sendMail(email,sendname,zhuti,mailbody)
 If Not isInstallObj("JMail.Message") Then exit function
 dim jmail : set jmail=Server.CreateObject("JMail.Message")  
 If  jmail is nothing then exit function
 set jmail= server.CreateObject ("Jmail.message")  '调用Jmail组件
 jmail.Silent = true
 jmail.CharSet = "utf-8"
 JMail.ContentType = "text/html"
 jmail.From = smtp_usermail
 jmail.FromName = sendname 
 jmail.ReplyTo = email
 jmail.Subject = zhuti  
 jmail.AddRecipient email
 jmail.Body = mailbody
 jmail.MailServerUserName = smtp_user
 jmail.MailServerPassWord = smtp_password
 jmail.close : set jmail = nothing
End Function

Function waterMarkImg(saveImgPath,location)
dim Logobox,ImageWidth,ImageHeight,ImageMode
dim sAllowMarkExt:sAllowMarkExt = ".jpg,.png,.gif,.jpeg,.bmp"
If InStr(sAllowMarkExt, Mid(saveImgPath, InStrRev(saveImgPath, "."), Len(saveImgPath))) = 0 Then Exit Function
'die instr(mid(saveImgPath,sAllowMarkExt)
 If Not isInstallObj("Persits.Jpeg") Then exit function
 dim jpegObj : set jpegObj = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") 
 dim strWidth,strHeight : strWidth=len(waterMarkFont)*13 : strHeight=3  
 jpegObj.Open Server.MapPath(saveImgPath)
 If  jpegObj is nothing then exit function 
 if jpegObj.width <200 and jpegObj.height<200 then exit function
 if waterType = 0 then
 jpegObj.Canvas.Font.Color = &H000000 ' 颜色,这里是设置成:黑
 jpegObj.Canvas.Font.Family = "方正隶变简体"  ' 设置字体
 jpegObj.Canvas.Font.Bold = False '是否设置成粗体
 jpegObj.Canvas.Font.Size = 26 '字体大小
 jpegObj.Canvas.Font.Quality = 4 ' 文字清晰度
 jpegObj.Canvas.Font.ShadowColor = &H000000 '阴影色彩
 jpegObj.Canvas.Font.ShadowYOffset = 1
 jpegObj.Canvas.Font.ShadowXOffset = 1
 jpegObj.Canvas.Brush.Solid = True
 jpegObj.Canvas.Font.Quality = 4 ' '输出质量
 select case location
  case "1" : jpegObj.Canvas.Print 5 , strHeight, waterMarkFont
  case "2" : jpegObj.Canvas.Print (jpegObj.width-strWidth) / 2, strHeight, waterMarkFont
  case "3" : jpegObj.Canvas.Print jpegObj.width-strWidth-5, strHeight, waterMarkFont
  case "4" : jpegObj.Canvas.Print 5 , (jpegObj.height-strHeight)/2, waterMarkFont
  case "5" : jpegObj.Canvas.Print (jpegObj.width-strWidth) / 2, (jpegObj.height-strHeight)/2, waterMarkFont
  case "6" : jpegObj.Canvas.Print jpegObj.width-strWidth-5, (jpegObj.height-strHeight)/2, waterMarkFont
  case "7" : jpegObj.Canvas.Print 5 , jpegObj.height-40, waterMarkFont
  case "8" : jpegObj.Canvas.Print (jpegObj.width-strWidth) / 2, jpegObj.height-40, waterMarkFont
  case else : jpegObj.Canvas.Print jpegObj.width-strWidth-5, jpegObj.height-40, waterMarkFont
 end select
 jpegObj.Save Server.MapPath(saveImgPath)    ' 保存文件
 Set Logobox = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") 
  Logobox.Open Server.MapPath(waterMarkPic)
 ImageWidth= Logobox.Width
 ImageHeight= Logobox.Height
  If jpegObj.OriginalWidth<Cint(ImageWidth) or jpegObj.Originalheight<Cint(ImageHeight) Then
    Set jpegObj = Nothing
     Exit Function
  ImageMode = "jpg"
  IF ImageMode<>"" and FileExt<>"gif" Then
  jpegObj.Canvas.Pen.Width  = 1  
  jpegObj.Canvas.Brush.Solid = False 
  'jpegObj.DrawImage jpegObj.width-100, jpegObj.height-52, Logobox, 0.5 
 select case location
  case "1" : jpegObj.DrawImage 5 , 5, Logobox, markPicAlpha
  case "2" : jpegObj.DrawImage (jpegObj.width-markPicWidth) / 2, 5, Logobox, markPicAlpha
  case "3" : jpegObj.DrawImage jpegObj.width-markPicWidth-5, 5, Logobox, markPicAlpha
  case "4" : jpegObj.DrawImage 5 , (jpegObj.height-markPicHeight)/2, Logobox, markPicAlpha
  case "5" : jpegObj.DrawImage (jpegObj.width-markPicWidth) / 2, (jpegObj.height-markPicHeight)/2, Logobox, markPicAlpha
  case "6" : jpegObj.DrawImage jpegObj.width-markPicWidth-5, (jpegObj.height-markPicHeight)/2, Logobox, markPicAlpha
  case "7" : jpegObj.DrawImage 5 , jpegObj.height-markPicHeight-5, Logobox, markPicAlpha
  case "8" : jpegObj.DrawImage (jpegObj.width-markPicWidth) / 2, jpegObj.height-markPicHeight-5, Logobox, markPicAlpha
  case else : jpegObj.DrawImage jpegObj.width-markPicWidth-5, jpegObj.height-markPicHeight-5, Logobox, markPicAlpha
 end select
  jpegObj.Canvas.Bar 0, 0, jpegObj.Width, jpegObj.Height 
  jpegObj.Save Server.MapPath(saveImgPath) 
  End If
  jpegObj.Sharpen 1, 120
  jpegObj.Save Server.MapPath(saveImgPath) 
    End If
    Set Logobox=Nothing
 end if
 set jpegObj=Nothing
End Function

Function getAdminDir
 dim scriptname 
 dim page,systempath
End Function

Function getTagID(tag)
 dim sql,rs,tags,tagIDs
 tags=split(tag, ",")
 for each tag in tags
  if not isnul(tag) then  
   sql="select TagID from {prefix}Tag where TagName='"&tag&"'"   
   set rs=conn.exec(sql,"r1")
   if not rs.eof then
   end if
  end if
 rs.close : set rs=nothing 
End Function


rem 通过内容中的ID获取TAG内容
Function getTags(tagID)
 dim sql,rs
 if isnul(tagID) then exit function
 sql="select * from {prefix}Tag where TagID in("&replace(replace(replace(tagID,"}{",","),"{",""),"}","")&")"
 set rs=conn.exec(sql,"r1")
 do while not rs.Eof
 rs.close : set rs=nothing
 if not isnul(getTags) then getTags=left(getTags,len(getTags)-1)
End Function

rem 为TAG加链接
Function tagsLink(tags)
 dim sql,rs,link,tag
 tags=split(tags, ",")
 for each tag in tags
  if not isnul(tag) then    
   tagsLink=tagsLink&"<a href="""&link&tag&""">"&tag&"</a>,"
  end if
 if not isnul(tagsLink) then tagsLink=left(tagsLink,len(tagsLink)-1)
End Function

Function LeftH(str,l)
         dim labelt,labels
         dim ishtml
         dim res
         dim c,c2
         dim n
         dim maxlen
         dim i
         dim b,e
         do while n<l and i<maxlen
                 if c="<" then
                 end if
                 if ishtml=false then
                         if c=">" then
                                 if ishtml=true and c2<>"/" then
                                         e=InStr(labels," ")
                                         if e>0 then
                                         end if
                                 end if
                         end if
                 end if
 end function

' ============================================
' 判断是否安全字符串,在注册登录等特殊字段中使用
' ============================================
Function IsSafeStr(str)
 Dim s_BadStr, n, i
 s_BadStr = "'&<>?%,;:()`~!@#$^*{}[]|+-=┩" & Chr(34) & Chr(9) & Chr(32)
 n = Len(s_BadStr)
 IsSafeStr = True
 For i = 1 To n
  If Instr(str, Mid(s_BadStr, i, 1)) > 0 Then
   IsSafeStr = False
   Exit Function
  End If
End Function
Function CheckTelPhone(TelPhone)
 dim re,re2,CheckResult
 Set re = new RegExp
 Set re2 = new RegExp
 re.Pattern = "^(([0\+]\d{2,3}-)?(0\d{2,3})-)?(\d{7,8})(-(\d{3,}))?$" '电话格式1
 re2.Pattern = "^(([0\+]\d{2,3}-)?(0\d{2,3}))?(\d{7,8})(-(\d{3,}))?$" '电话格式2
 If re.Test(TelPhone) or re2.Test(TelPhone) Then
 End If
end function

Function CheckMobile(Mobile)
 dim re,CheckResult
 Set re = new RegExp
 re.Pattern = "^(((13[0-9]{1})|145|150|151|152|153|155|156|157|158|159|170|176|177|178|180|181|182|183|184|185|186|187|188|189)+\d{8})$"
 If re.Test(Mobile) Then
 End If
end function

Function CheckEmail(Email)
dim CheckResult,re
Set re = new RegExp '创建RegExp实例
re.Pattern = "^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$"
'Email = ""
If re.Test(Email) Then
End If
end function

Function CheckQQnum(QQnum)
dim CheckResult,re
Set re = new RegExp
re.Pattern = "^\d{5,10}$"
If re.Test(QQnum) Then
End If
end function

Function CheckCdoe(NetName)
dim re,CheckResult
Set re = new RegExp
re.Pattern = "^[0-9]{6,8}$"
If re.Test(NetName) Then
End If
end function
function cutStr(str)
if right(str,1)="\" then
end if
cutStr =str
end function

function getWebSite
dim len1
dim wwwroot:wwwroot=cutStr(server.MapPath("/"))
dim webroot:webroot=cutStr(server.MapPath("../"))
if len(webroot)-len(wwwroot)<0 then
end if
dim siteroot:siteroot=Right(webroot,len1)
end function

function replacekey(Tcontent)
 if Tcontent="" then exit function
 dim sql,rs
 sql="select KeyWordsText,KeyWordsUrl from {prefix}KeyWords where KeyWordsStatus=1 order by KeyWordsID desc"
 set rs=conn.exec(sql,"r1")
 if not rs.eof then
  do while not rs.eof
   Tcontent= replace(Tcontent,trim(rs("KeyWordsText")),"<a href="""&trim(rs("KeyWordsUrl"))&""" target=""_blank""><strong>"&trim(rs("KeyWordsText"))&"</strong></a>",1,1)
 end if
End Function

Function getReUrl
  dim rs
   set rs=conn.exec("select * from {prefix}Language where IsDefault=1","r1")
   if not rs.eof then
   end if
end function

Function getReTitle
  dim rs
   set rs=conn.exec("select * from {prefix}Language where IsDefault=1","r1")
   if not rs.eof then
   end if
end function

Function getIIS
end Function


posted @ 2017-05-25 14:34  zhenximeiyitian  阅读(2705)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报