



2.1 实验目的




2.2 实验要求






2.3 实验任务












第一组数据:单链表长度n≥10,x=100,  i分别为5,n,n+1,0,1,n+2









第二组数据:单链表长度n=0, i=5










 1 // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
 2 //  or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
 3 //      are changed infrequently
 4 //
 6 #if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__195DB73A_A23D_4A80_A4F5_2F4FC5141CBC__INCLUDED_)
 7 #define AFX_STDAFX_H__195DB73A_A23D_4A80_A4F5_2F4FC5141CBC__INCLUDED_
 9 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
10 #pragma once
11 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
13 #include <stdc++.h>
15 using namespace std;
17 typedef int elementType;
18 typedef struct node
19 {
20     elementType data;
21     node* next;
22 }LList, *PList;
24 // TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
27 // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
29 #endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__195DB73A_A23D_4A80_A4F5_2F4FC5141CBC__INCLUDED_)



 1 // linkedList1.h: interface for the linkedList class.
 2 //
 3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 5 #if !defined(AFX_LINKEDLIST1_H__4C3F34C9_D36C_43D6_97CF_A8E55FD6BD7D__INCLUDED_)
 6 #define AFX_LINKEDLIST1_H__4C3F34C9_D36C_43D6_97CF_A8E55FD6BD7D__INCLUDED_
 8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
 9 #pragma once
10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
12 #include "StdAfx.h"
14 using namespace std;
16 class linkedList  
17 {
18 public:
19     linkedList();//构造函数
20     virtual ~linkedList();//析构函数,销毁单链表
21     bool createLinkedListRail( int length );//尾插法构建单链表
22     bool createLinkedListFront( int length );//头插法构建单链表
23     void addLinkedListNodeLast( int value );//警告:必须初始化才能使用!
24     //我尝试判断调用对象的链表是否初始化来作为是否调用该函数的依据,结果失败:无论如何判断,总是不能在零节点时插入
25     bool initiateLinkedList();//初始化单链表
26     bool isEmpty();//判断单链表是否为空
27     bool getElementByPosition( int pos, int& value );//求单链表中第pos个元素(函数),若不存在,报错
28     bool insertListByPosition( int pos, int value );//在第pos个结点前插入值为value的结点
29     bool getElementByValue( int& pos, int value );//链表中查找元素值为x的结点,成功返回结点指针,失败报错。
30     bool removeListNodeByPosition( int pos, int& value );//删除单链表中第pos个元素结点
31     bool insertListSort( int value );//在一个递增有序的单链表L中插入一个值为value的元素,并保持其递增有序特性
32     bool oddEvenSort( linkedList& LA,linkedList& LB );//将调用单链表中的元素按奇偶性分配給被调用的单链表LA与LB
33     void printLinkedList();//打印单链表
34     int linkedListLength();//返回单链表长度
35 private:
36     LList *head;
37     int len;
38 };
40 #endif // !defined(AFX_LINKEDLIST1_H__4C3F34C9_D36C_43D6_97CF_A8E55FD6BD7D__INCLUDED_)


  1 // linkedList1.cpp: implementation of the linkedList class.
  2 //
  3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5 #include "stdafx.h"
  6 #include "linkedList1.h"
  9 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 10 // Construction/Destruction
 11 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 13 linkedList::linkedList()
 14 {
 15     head = NULL;
 16     len = 0;
 17 }
 19 linkedList::~linkedList()
 20 {
 21     LList* tmp = head;
 22     //for( int i = 0; i < len; i ++ )
 23     while( tmp->next )
 24     {
 25         LList *q = tmp;
 26         tmp = tmp->next;
 27         delete q;
 28     }
 29 }
 31 bool linkedList::initiateLinkedList()
 32 {
 33     std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
 34     head = new LList;
 35     if( !head )
 36     {
 37         cout << "初始化失败!" << endl;
 38         return false;
 39     }
 40     head->next = NULL;
 41     return true;
 42 }
 44 bool linkedList::createLinkedListRail( int length )
 45 {
 46     std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
 47     initiateLinkedList();
 48     LList* rail = head;
 49     for( int i = 1; i <= length; i ++ )
 50     {
 51         LList* tmp = new LList;
 52         int num;
 53         cin >> num;
 54         //num = i + 1;
 55         tmp->data = num;
 56         tmp->next = rail->next;
 57         rail->next = tmp;
 58         rail = tmp;
 59         len ++;
 60     }
 61     return true;
 62 }
 64 bool linkedList::createLinkedListFront( int length )
 65 {
 66     std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
 67     initiateLinkedList();
 68     for( int i = 0; i < length; i ++ )
 69     {
 70         int num;
 71         cin >> num;
 72         //num = i + 1;
 73         LList* tmp = new LList;
 74         tmp->data = num;
 75         tmp->next = head->next;
 76         head->next = tmp;
 77         len ++;
 78     }
 79     return true;
 80 }
 82 void linkedList::addLinkedListNodeLast( int value )
 83 {
 84     //ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
 86     LList* tmp = head;
 87     LList* last = NULL;
 88     while(tmp)
 89     {
 90         last = tmp;
 91         tmp = tmp->next;
 92     }
 93     LList* PNew = new LList;
 94     PNew->data = value;
 95     PNew->next = NULL;
 96     last->next = PNew;
 97     len ++;
 98 }
100 bool linkedList::isEmpty()
101 {
102     return head->next == NULL;
103 }
105 void linkedList::printLinkedList()
106 {
107     std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
108     if( isEmpty() )
109     {
110         cout << "空链表,无法打印!" << endl;
111         return;
112     }
113     LList* tmp = head->next;
114     int column = 0;
115     while(tmp)
116     {
117         cout << setiosflags(ios::left) << setw(3) << tmp->data << " ";
118         column ++;
119         if( column % 10 == 0 )
120             cout << endl;
121         tmp = tmp->next;
122     }
123     cout << endl;
124 }
126 int linkedList::linkedListLength()
127 {
128     if( isEmpty() )
129     {
130         cout << "空链表!" << endl;
131         return -1;
132     }
133     int l = 0;
134     LList* tmp = head->next;
135     while(tmp)
136     {
137         tmp = tmp->next;
138         l ++;
139     }
140     return l;
141     //return len;
142 }
144 bool linkedList::getElementByPosition( int pos, int& value )
145 {
146     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
147     if( isEmpty() )
148     {
149         cout << "链表为空!获取元素失败!" << endl;
150         return false;
151     }
152     if( pos > len )
153     {
154         cout << "位置大于表长!获取元素失败!" << endl;
155         return false;
156     }
157     if( pos <= 0 )
158     {
159         cout << "位置必须大于0!获取元素失败!" << endl;
160         return false;
161     }
162     int index = 0;
163     LList* tmp = head;
164     while(tmp)
165     {
166         if( index == pos )
167         {
168             //cout << tmp->data;
169             value = tmp->data;
170             return true;
171         }
172         tmp = tmp->next;
173         index ++;
174     }
175     return true;
176 }
178 bool linkedList::insertListByPosition( int pos, int value )
179 {
180     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
181     if( isEmpty() )
182     {
183         cout << "链表为空!插入元素失败!" << endl;
184         return false;
185     }
186     else if( pos > len )
187     {
188         cout << "位置大于表长且差值大于1!删除元素失败!" << endl;
189         return false;
190     }
191     else if( pos == len )
192     {
193         cout << "将会直接把新节点接在链表尾部!" << endl;
194         addLinkedListNodeLast( value );
195         return true;
196     }
197     else if( pos <= 0 )
198     {
199         cout << "位置必须大于0!插入元素失败!" << endl;
200         return false;
201     }
202     int index = 0;
203     LList* tmp = head;
204     while( index != pos - 1 && tmp )
205     {
206         index ++;
207         tmp = tmp->next;
208     }
209     if( tmp == NULL )
210     {
211         cout << "位置大于表长且不在表长的后一位!插入元素失败!" << endl;
212         return false;
213     }
214     LList* PNew = new LList;
215     PNew->data =  value;
216     PNew->next = tmp->next;
217     tmp->next = PNew;
218     len ++;
219     return true;
220 }
222 bool linkedList::getElementByValue( int& pos, int value )
223 {
224     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
225     if( isEmpty() )
226     {
227         cout << "链表为空!获取元素失败!" << endl;
228         return false;
229     }
230     int index = 1;
231     LList* tmp = head->next;
232     while(tmp)
233     {
234         if( tmp->data == value )
235         {
236             pos = index;
237             return true;
238         }
239         tmp = tmp->next;
240         index ++;
241     }
242     return false;
243 }
245 bool linkedList::removeListNodeByPosition( int pos, int& value )
246 {
247     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
248     if( isEmpty() )
249     {
250         cout << "链表为空!删除元素失败!" << endl;
251         return false;
252     }
253     if( pos > len )
254     {
255         cout << "位置大于表长!删除元素失败!" << endl;
256         return false;
257     }
258     if( pos <= 0 )
259     {
260         cout << "位置必须大于0!删除元素失败!" << endl;
261         return false;
262     }
263     LList* tmp = head;
264     int index = 0;
265     while( index != pos - 1 && tmp )
266     {
267         tmp = tmp->next;
268         index ++;
269     }
270     LList* PDel = tmp->next;
271     value = PDel->data;
272     tmp->next = tmp->next->next;
273     delete PDel;
274     len --;
275     return true;
276 }
278 bool linkedList::insertListSort( int value )
279 {
280     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
281     if( isEmpty() )
282     {
283         cout << "链表为空!插入元素失败!" << endl;
284         return false;
285     }
286     LList* tmp = head;
287     while( tmp->next && tmp->next->data < value )//下一个节点的data比value小就继续循环
288     //写成下面这样导致比最后一个节点的data大的value无法插入!因为循环结束时tmp->next为NULL,无法插入。
289     //while( tmp && tmp->next->data < value )
290     {
291         //if( tmp->data < value )
292             tmp = tmp->next;
293     }
294     LList* PNew = new LList;
295     PNew->data = value;
296     PNew->next = tmp->next;
297     tmp->next = PNew;
298     return true;
299 }
301 bool linkedList::oddEvenSort( linkedList& LA,linkedList& LB )
302 {
303     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
304     if( isEmpty() )
305     {
306         cout << "原链表为空!分配元素失败!" << endl;
307         return false;
308     }
309     //if( !LA.head->next && !LB.head->next )
310     if( !LA.head && !LB.head )
311     {
312         LA.initiateLinkedList();
313         LB.initiateLinkedList();
314     }
315     LList* tmp = head->next;
316     while(tmp)
317     {
318         if( tmp->data >= 0 && ( tmp->data & 1 ) )
319             LA.addLinkedListNodeLast( tmp->data );
320         //else if( tmp->data >= 0 && !( tmp->data & 1 ) )
321         else
322             LB.addLinkedListNodeLast( tmp->data );
323         tmp = tmp->next;
324     }
325     return true;
326 }


  1 // LinkedList.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
  2 //
  4 #include "stdafx.h"
  5 #include "linkedList1.h"
  7 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  8 {
  9     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
 10     freopen( "1.in", "r", stdin );
 12     linkedList L1;//, L2;
 13     int n;
 14     cin >> n;
 15     L1.createLinkedListFront(n);
 16     cout << "原表表长为:" << endl;
 17     cout << L1.linkedListLength() << endl;
 18     cout << "原表元素为:" << endl;
 19     L1.printLinkedList();
 20     /*
 21     L1.~linkedList();
 22     cout << "现表表长为:" << endl;
 23     cout << L1.linkedListLength() << endl;
 24     cout << "现表元素为:" << endl;
 25     L1.printLinkedList();
 26     //L2.createLinkedListFront(5);
 27     //cout << L2.linkedListLength() << endl;
 28     //L2.printLinkedList();
 29     22
 30     30 70 92 91 15 47 84 10 43 34 9 62 60 26 79 96 38 4 92 24 25 5
 32     linkedList L3;
 33     int n;
 34     cin >> n;
 35     L3.createLinkedListRail(n);
 36     cout << "原表表长为:" << endl;
 37     cout << L3.linkedListLength() << endl;
 38     cout << "原表元素为:" << endl;
 39     L3.printLinkedList();//5,n,0,n+1,n+2
 41     int value = -100;
 42     int num;
 43     cin >> num;
 44     for( int i = 0; i < num; i ++ )
 45     {
 46         int pos;
 47         cin >> pos;
 48         if( L3.getElementByPosition( pos, value ) )
 49         {
 50             cout << "第 " << pos << " 个元素的值为:" << value << endl;
 52         }
 53         else
 54             cout << "不存在位置为 " << pos << " 的元素!" << endl;
 55     }
 57     linkedList L4;
 58     int n;
 59     cin >> n;
 60     L4.createLinkedListRail(n);
 61     cout << "原表表长为:" << endl;
 62     cout << L4.linkedListLength() << endl;
 63     cout << "原表元素为:" << endl;
 64     L4.printLinkedList();//x=100,  i分别为5,n,n+1,0,1,n+2
 65     int value = 100;
 66     int num;
 67     cin >> num;
 68     for( int i = 0; i < num; i ++ )
 69     {
 70         int pos;
 71         cin >> pos;
 72         if( L4.insertListByPosition( pos, value ) )
 73         {
 74             cout << "value = " << value << " 的值已插在 pos = " << pos << "的位置上!" << endl;
 75             cout << "现表表长为:" << endl;
 76             cout << L4.linkedListLength() << endl;
 77             cout << "现表元素为:" << endl;
 78             L4.printLinkedList();
 79         }
 80     }
 82     linkedList L5;
 83     int n;
 84     cin >> n;
 85     L5.createLinkedListRail(n);
 86     cout << "原表表长为:" << endl;
 87     cout << L5.linkedListLength() << endl;
 88     cout << "原表元素为:" << endl;
 89     L5.printLinkedList();
 90     int index = -1;
 91     //1,17,20,88
 92     for( int i = 0; i < 4; i ++ )
 93     {
 94         int value;
 95         cin >> value;
 96         if( L5.getElementByValue( index, value ) )
 97         {
 98             cout << "pos = " << index << ", value = " << 1 << endl;
 99         }
101         else
102         {
103             cout << "链表中不存在值为 " << value << " 的值" << endl;  
104         }
105     }
107     linkedList L6;
108     int n;
109     cin >> n;
110     L6.createLinkedListRail(n);
111     L6.printLinkedList();
112     cout << L6.linkedListLength() << endl;
113     int value = -1;
114     //5,n,1,n+1,0 
115     if( L6.removeListNodeByPosition( 5, value ) )
116     {
117         cout << "pos = " << 5 << ", value = " << value << "已删除!" << endl;
118     }
119     L6.printLinkedList();
120     if( L6.removeListNodeByPosition( n , value ) )
121     {
122         cout << "pos = " << n << ", value = " << value << "已删除!" << endl;
123     }
124     else
125     {
126         cout << "不存在位置等于 " << n << " 的元素!" << endl;
127     }
128     L6.printLinkedList();
129     if( L6.removeListNodeByPosition( 1, value ) )
130     {
131         cout << "pos = " << 1 << ", value = " << value << "已删除!" << endl;
132     }
133     L6.printLinkedList();
134     if( L6.removeListNodeByPosition( n + 1, value ) )
135     {
136         cout << "pos = " << n + 1 << ", value = " << value << "已删除!" << endl;
137     }
138     else
139     {
140         cout << "不存在位置等于 " << n + 1 << " 的元素!" << endl;
141     }
142     L6.printLinkedList();
143     if( L6.removeListNodeByPosition( 0, value ) )
144     {
145         cout << "pos = " << 0 << ", value = " << value << "已删除!" << endl;
146     }
147     else
148     {
149         cout << "不存在位置等于 " << 0 << " 的元素!" << endl;
150     }
151     L6.printLinkedList();
154     linkedList L7;
155     int n;
156     cin >> n;
157     L7.createLinkedListRail(n);
158     cout << "原表表长为:" << endl;
159     cout << L7.linkedListLength() << endl;
160     cout << "原表元素为:" << endl;
161     L7.printLinkedList();
163     //int value = -1;
164     //5,n,1,n+1,0 
165     for( int i = 0; i < 1; i ++ )
166     {
167         int value;
168         cin >> value;
169         if( L7.removeListNodeByPosition( 5, value ) )
170         {
171             cout << "pos = " << 5 << ", value = " << value << "已删除!" << endl;
172             cout << "现表表长为:" << endl;
173             cout << L7.linkedListLength() << endl;
174             cout << "现表元素为:" << endl;
175             L7.printLinkedList();
176         }
177         if( L7.removeListNodeByPosition( n , value ) )
178         {
179             cout << "pos = " << n << ", value = " << value << "已删除!" << endl;
180         }
181         else
182         {
183             cout << "不存在位置等于 " << n << " 的元素!" << endl;
184         }
185     }
187     linkedList L8;
188     int n;
189     cin >> n;
190     L8.createLinkedListRail(n);
191     cout << "原表表长为:" << endl;
192     cout << L8.linkedListLength() << endl;
194     cout << "原表元素为:" << endl;
195     L8.printLinkedList();
196     int value;
197     for( int i = 0; i < 4; i ++ )
198     {
199         cin >> value;
200         if( L8.insertListSort(value) )
201         {
202             cout << "插入元素 " << value << " 后表长为:" << endl;
203             cout << L8.linkedListLength() << endl;
204             cout << "插入元素 " << value << " 表元素为:" << endl;
205             L8.printLinkedList();
206         }
207         else
208             cout << "Error!" << endl;
209     }
211     int n;
212     linkedList L9, LA, LB;
213     cin >> n;
214     L9.createLinkedListRail(n);
215     //LA.initiateLinkedList(), LB.initiateLinkedList();
216     cout << "原链表表长为:" << endl;
217     cout << L9.linkedListLength() << endl;
218     cout << "原链表元素为:" << endl;
219     L9.printLinkedList();
220     L9.oddEvenSort( LA, LB );
221     cout << "奇数链表表长为:" << endl;
222     cout << LA.linkedListLength() << endl;
223     cout << "奇数链表元素为:" << endl;
224     LA.printLinkedList();
225     cout << "偶数链表表长为:" << endl;
226     cout << LB.linkedListLength() << endl;
227     cout << "偶数链表元素为:" << endl;
228     LB.printLinkedList();
229     */
230     return 0;
231 }

图1 测试(1)


图2 测试(2)


图3 测试(3)


图4 测试(4)


图5 测试(5)



      图6 测试(5)


图7 测试(6)


图8 测试(6)


图9 测试(7)


图10 测试(8)


图11 测试(8)


图12 测试(9)


图13 测试(10)


图14 测试(10)

posted on 2018-11-09 23:23  25th_engineer  阅读(2832)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报