My three impressive teachers

My first impressive teacher is wei qingmei.She is a teacher of high school English and the head teacher of my high school.She was my tutor during my first English Olympic competition.It was a time when my English improved best and I had a new perspective on English.Although grades were not the most important, she encouraged me to speak English bravely.I was very impressed.
The second is a high school math teacher, Lin kunfeng.He specially provided me with a closed learning space in the months before the college entrance examination.Without him, my math score on the college entrance exam would be unsatisfactory
The third is Mr. Lin ping, a programmer teacher at the university.How much the future will be affected by him.It's a good start...

posted @ 2018-11-16 20:49  Jaylin211514814  阅读(156)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报