
首先运用MSDN官网的解释:The string type represents a string of Unicode characters. string is an alias for System.String in the .NET Framework.

             说的是string类型其实代表了一种统一编码的特性,在.net framwork  中"string"是System.String的一个别名而已。


再引用一个博客的理解:http://blogs.msdn.com/b/csharpfaq/archive/2004/03/12/what-s-the-difference-between-code-string-code-and-code-system-string-code.aspx :

C# defines a number of aliases for CLR types. They may be used interchangably, and even mixed together, e.g.

string x = new System.String(' ', 5);.

These are the aliases defined:

AliasCLR type
string System.String
sbyte System.SByte
byte System.Byte
short System.Int16
ushort System.UInt16
int System.Int32
uint System.UInt32
long System.Int64
ulong System.UInt64
char System.Char
float System.Single
double System.Double
bool System.Boolean
decimal System.Decimal




posted @ 2012-03-01 14:41  st_gloden  阅读(341)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报