
Eugene's never willing to alter(change) any of his opinion. it's no use arguing(争论) with him    // 固定 

 missing a bus means (+doing 意味着)waitting for another hour(单数) // 固定 意味着

After knock at the door, the child hearded his mother's voice calling him

Playing loud music in public against (violate) the law in the UK

for three hours just to have a look at the sports stars. // 表示目的

Do let your mother know all the truth. she appears(看上去似乎) have been told tell everything //完成被动

(After the tall building has been)Having been attacked by terroists, the tall building collapsed.// 前后主语一致

David threated reported his neighbor to the police if the damages were not paid。

He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he could't risk losing the good opportunity

Edison was the first scientist to build a modern research and development center // 序数词/最高级后面+ to do 

Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage seized the girl and took her away,  disappearing into the woods

Be exposed to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin. // be exposed to 

The flowers (which smells sweet)smelling in the botanic garden attract the visitors // 系动词 主动表示被动

putting into in April 2004, the hotline was meant for residents

Sugar whenmixed with water, dissolve quickly

A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles of the city  all four people on board

 // 中文翻译

I fogot to remain him of the interview(interview 是名词) time  the time for interview //  I fogot to remain him of the time of interview

I find it is  hard difficult to co-operate with these those people who always(一贯) stick to their opinions.

At the  time,  that taxier have no choice but to  // At that  time,  that taxi-driver have no choice but to turn to the tourists

The game(名词) rules too complicated to explain in a brief  // The rules of the game  are too complicated to explain in a few words(三言两语)

Only Drinking a cup of(一杯) coffee makes will keep me awake all night // 整晚上    睡不着

Being igonre of the  electronic products students are talking, I realize myself left behind

// 对......一无所知


posted on 2017-07-01 15:45  1018475062  阅读(230)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报