
关系副词:不做任何的成分,  不够成从句的 核心成分,只是做 时间、地点、原因等状语.


Do u remember the day    when      he came to see u?

Do u remember the day    that/which  we spent in the woods?



缺成分:    关系代词

不缺成分: 关系副词

1. 地点副词

This is the house     where===(in which)    he lived(不及) last year.

This is the house      which                       he lived in last year.

This it the house       that                         he visited(及) last year.


You have reached the point where a change is need.



Almost  everyone can remember the day  when=== on which he was born.

I still remember the days  that/which/空  we spent in that country.



I know the reason     why                    he did that.

I konw the teason    that/which/空       he explianed at the meeting.



when  :    the  time/day/occasion

where :    place/room

why    :    reason



This is the factory where/in which he worked.

I remember the day when/on which he left.

The reson why/for which I was late is the traffic.


介词+where/when 引导的定语从句

He stood on the top of the tower, form where he could see the whole city.

I bought this house 5 years age, sice when things have gone better.


posted on 2017-06-20 10:09  1018475062  阅读(578)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报