
should  应该 竟然

Youd should go to school right now.

I should help him.

How should i know.

I'm surprised tha he that he should be so rude to you.       it worries me 

                                                                                  it's a pity.  

                                                                                  You can't imagine....

ought to 

// 用在比较严肃的场合 

You ought to take care of him.

You ought not to smoke so much.

Should I open the window.




How shall i addredd you?

shall we go now?

shall he start right now or wait a while.

用在第一人称和第三人称  疑问句


// 用第二三人称 陈述句

Youd shall fail if you don't work harder. 警告

You shall have it 允许

He shall be punished. 威胁


// 必须这样 没有选择 余地

、、// 在法律条文 中

Each citizen shall carry his ID card when traveling.

House oweners shall keep their gardens in a neat and ordinary stat.


I will never do that again.

I won't let you down.


I thought he would come.


would you mind opening the window.

Would you like something to eat?



During the vacation  he would visist me every week. // 表示常常    过去常常    但是 现在情况不知道

He used to visit me every week.      过去常常做 ,但现在不了



it has been annouced that candicated     remain  in their seats  until all the papers  have been collected.

Liza  well not want to go on the trip she hates traveling.

Jhon promised his doctor he       not somke , and he has never smoked ever since.

I  go shopping this afternoon. If i do, i       will buy some fruit.


posted on 2017-03-06 15:45  1018475062  阅读(191)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报