2009年1月5日 洛基网络教室听课笔记


【1.If we cannot find a parter we can not practice speaking,improving English by reciting.将听和说的练习结合起来。2.To increase the use of oral recitation.利用背诵来提高自己的口语。3.Make a chioce of the learning material.学习对所学的教材进行选择,最好是与自己的生活密切相关的教材。】

1.We hope to get a few more books.我们想得到更多的书。【a few more修饰可数名词,a little more修饰不可数名词】

    2. To say is easy but to do is not easy.说起来容易,做起来难。

    3.To see is to believe.眼见为实。【is to believe 在句子当中作表语】

    * We call him shorty.我们叫他矮子。【shorty宾语补足语】

       His parents name him John.父母叫他约翰。【John宾补】

    4.Smoking is not allowed.禁止吸烟。【无主语时往往会用被动语态】

    * He is known to everybody.他被众人所知。

      This is our first class, so I do not know all your name这是我的第一节课,因此不知道大家的名字。

   5. I looked for my wallet,but I didn’t find it. 我找我的钱包,但我没有找到它
   6. If you are ill,you must go to see the doctor.如果你病了,你必须去看医生【if you are ill条件状语从句】
  * When he reached home,he had a short rest.当他回到家里,他曾短暂休息【When he reached home 时间状语从句】
   *I asked him to stay where he was.我要他就呆在那儿 【where he was 地点状语从句】
   7. Speak louder so that everyone can hear you.说大点声,这样所有人都可以听到你【so that everyone can hear you.目的状语从句】
   * This book is so interesting that everyone wants to readit. 这本书如此有趣,大家都想看(结果状语从句)【so……that 如此……以至于】
   8. They got up earlier so that they could catch the early
   bus.他们起床较早,所以能赶上早班车 (目的状语从句)【so that...目的状语从句,so....that...结果状语从句】

   9. We must do as the teacher tells us.我们必须按照老师说的做 【方式状语从句】
   10. It will snow for it is getting dark.要下雪了,因为天变暗了。 【getting t-读d】
  (原因状语丛句。for 提供解释,英语中只用一个连词就可以了。)
   11.If you jump a queue,the people will not be pleased..如果你插队,大家不会乐意的。
  【条件状语从】)jump a queue 插队
    * If you are tired,we will go straight home.如果你累了,我们直接回家
  【条件状语从句】 /go straight直接/
   12.他的盒子比鲍比的重:his box is heavier than bobby's.(比较级
   * You look younger than your are.你看起来比实际年轻。
   13.Are you a businessman?你是一个商人吗?——Yes I am./ No, I am not.【一般疑问句】
   14. Will you go there by bus or by train ?  你们乘公共汽车还是坐火车【前者用升调后者用降调】
   15 . Isn't he a teacher?他不是老师吗? 【否定疑问句】
    ——Yes,he is. 不,他是老师。/ No,he isn't.  是,他不是老师。
    他不会去开会吧?He isn’t going to the meeting,is he?
   ——Yes,he is. 不,他要去。 /No,he isn't.  是,他不去。
   【肯定陈述+否定疑问; 否定陈述+肯定疑问。】
   【陈述部分主语用anything ,something ,nothing 疑问部分用it】
    把门关上好吗?Close the door ,will you?
    16.I wish to have a talk with you,may I?我希望和你谈谈,可以吗?
    【陈述句谓语是wish,疑问部分用may +主语】
    17.He was watching TV when I came in.我进来的时候她正在看电视。(过去进行时态)
     * The teacher was talking a story when I came in.我进来时老师正在讲故事。
    18.I read a book last night. (一般过去时态)
    19.我下周就要回家了:I will go home next week.
    20.请打开窗户: Will you please open the window?【 Will表示意愿和请求】
    * 我们十点出发好吗?Shall we go at ten?【表建议或征求对方意愿时用shall】

posted @ 2009-01-07 00:11  谭玲  阅读(208)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报